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View Full Version : degenerating fins?

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 03:11 AM
Hey guys, im very much new to this. i Would Very Appreciate any help i could get!
I started noticing a change in my discus's fins recently, didn't pay much attention as the fins had identical pattern on bottom and top. But now that i have a few days of and actually thought about it, i looked back at a picture i took a little more then a month ago and the change is dramatic. I think it maybe Fin Rot? But doesn't seem to match any fin rot descriptions I've looked at. Would any one know what this could be and how i could/should treat it.
The discus is behaving normally, healthy appetite, does not scratch against plants.
I will post a few pictures of the Discuss

Thank You Very much!

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 03:15 AM
This is the tail about a little over 1 month ago

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 03:18 AM
Took this pic today, sorry about the picture being only the back of the fish, couldn't get the pic down to 128kb's with out making it tiny

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 05:06 AM
Hi Ivan,

Aside from the deterioration of the fins you will note that the fish has also lost a lot of colour.

You need to check desirable water parameters for these fish and ensure that they match. Check, PH, Gh, Kh and concentrations of Ammonia (should be zero), NitrItes (0 again) and NitrAtes (<20ppm).

Also what is your water change regime?

What size tank do you have and how many (and what type) of fish do you have in it?



Fri Jan 28, 2011, 05:47 AM

clean your filter start doing big water changes and keep doing them you want ammonia nitrate and nitrite to be 0 before you start treatment.

set temp at 30c

treat with myaxin

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 05:51 AM
Hey Bob thanks for the quick reply.

The fish is actually its normal color, the old picture was taken after i went through i bad ammonia spike and the fish was stressed. For the moment currently in a 40l tank by him self. Did a water test yesterday and everything is good. ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate - >20, PH@6.4. Water temp is at 30c. The fish seems to behave normally, no signs of stress, eats well and fairly active. i have been doing a water change every 3-4days.

As far as the fins go, is there a medication i should be looking at this stage?