View Full Version : Was MIA...

Wed Jan 26, 2011, 08:37 PM
Okay so i was gone 4 awhile due 2 being in school. I have taken this semester off (4 several reasons) so I thought I would drop by & see how evrey1 has been doing.

I have 2 semesters left & I will have my 1st AAT degree in Networking (YAY!!). Then my goal is 2 find a job in that field making lots of money. I then have about 1yr left be4 i will have my 2nd AAT degree in Web Design.

I @ this moment no longer have my tanks up & running. It became hard 2 care 4 them the way they needed so I sent them all 2 my mothers 4 now. I am currently working n packing & getting ready 2 move. Wont be moving 4 about another month but thought I would get a head start on it & hopefully have it all done by then.

I have looked around & I see alot of the old names i was use 2 seeing as well as alot of ew names. I hope 2 have qa chance 2 get 2 know some of u new people as well as catch up with some of the regulars I know.

Take care every1 & have a great day

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 11:14 AM
Hey Marie ..... great to have you back :wave :wave2 :wave1

Look forward to reading your posts.

Fri Jan 28, 2011, 11:32 AM
Great to see you pop in T'Hound...

Good to hear the studying is coming along... enjoy the break