View Full Version : SLS - HUGE REEF Tank!! - Journal
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:02 AM
As requested, please find below a copy of my Tank Journal.
DATE: 13th Dec 2008
Hey Guys,
I have been in this trade as the owner of Slippery Little Suckers for the past 9yrs, previously a hobbyist for 2yrs, and finally, I'm in the process of setting up my personal home tank. I have waited 10yrs to build this system, with many of the system componantry sitting in my second bedroom waiting for this day..
System Objectives: To succeed in a beautiful SPS Reef Tank, full of Colour, health, vitality and long jevity.. I have a passion for Colourful Stoney coral, and have been inspired by the TOTM on Reef Central for the month of Dec 2008, The MASA TOTY, as well as the runner up!!
System Type: As mentioned, mostly SPS, Acro, Monti, etc..
Display System:
Strike up Date: T.B.A
Display Tank: 8Ft x 2.5 x 2.5
Display Lighting: Sfiligoi Infinity 3x400W HQI + 8x39W T5's with 3xACLS HQI Dimming Systems. Currently fitted with 3x400W Sfiligoi SE Bulb's. I may replace the 2 outer bulbs for 250W?
Stand: Dalbarb Black Cabinet, 900mm Tall.
Hood: Dalbarb Hood
Sump: Aqua-Medic Riff 2000 Complete System.
Refugium: NA
Refugium Lighting: NA
Support systems:
System Water: Natural salt water or artificial salt water?? See later posts below.. lol
Display Water circulation: Polario ML22 - 22,000 Ltrs x2
Return Pump: 2x Aqua-Medic Ocean Runners 3500
Skimmer: Aqua-Medic Turbo Floater 5000 Shorty
Ozone: Aqua-Medic 200 inc Aqua-Medic Air Dryer reactor.
Evaporation Top Up: Aqua-Medic, Part of the Riff 2000 System + Aqua-Medic Premium 150 R/O Unit.
De-Nitrate: Aqua-Medic Nitrate Reductor 1000, Inc SP3000 Dosing Pump, also part of the Riff 2000 System.
Chiller: AquaOne Arctic 1.5HP
Chemical Support:
Calcium Addition: Calcium Reactor 1000 inc SP3000 Dosing Pump. PArt of the Riff 2000 System. 20% of the Hydro Carbonate replaced with Dolomite.
Alkilinity Addition: SeaChem - AquaVitro range, Eight-Four and Balance.
Other Chemical Maintenance: SeaChem Range of Aqua-Vitro suppliments. Inc Ions, Calcification, Vibrance, and Fuel.
Aqua-Medic Phosphate Filter and Carbon Filter.
Controllers / Monitors:
Aqua-Medic AT-Controller System and Data Logging.
Level Control
Redox - Mv
Wave Effect Computer
Automatic Water Changes
Tidal Effect Computer
Current Water Chemistry: Targets..
Nitrates: 0-5
Phosphates: 0
Alkalinity: 2.5-5milliequvilent
Calcium: 380-400
Salinity / Specific Gravity: 32ppt / 1.025
Magnesuim: 1250-1300
Many more to follow.
I am stuck on the decission of wether to add a UV Steriliser and what brand of chiller to choose?? The pro's and con's of using a UV for micro-organism propergation. I cant decide on choosing a Teco or Aqua-Medic chiller or if there is other recommendations to choose from. (Decission Made, Thankyou!!)
This journal will most likely be long and spread over an extended period of time, as there is no rush with this set-up. Im also contemplating the options of only using frag pc's which have been successfully grown by members who are willing to offer/trade these to me.
I am also endevouring to share my experiences using a closed system, extended water changes and supplimentation. ASW or NSW? Pro's and con's.
I hope this journal is interesting for the members.
Kind regards,
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:04 AM
Date: 18th Dec 2008
The plumbing is complete for the sump and R/O unit. AT -Control System is mounted just finishing the layout of the filtration dosing pumps, power boards, ACLS Lighting Controllers, and then we should be done and ready to fill.
I would ordinarily use NSW for the fill, but i think im going to go completely R/O and ASW. Reason for this is to get the balance right from the start, no phosphates or impurities, no bioload of plankton or micro-organisms. This way there should be no sign of cyno algae, or any other problematic issues with using NSW.
Im quite impressed with the controller system. It does everything i want it to do and MORE!!
Cycling will be with the use of a Bio-Starter (Nitrivec) for the first 10days, and then a couple of boxes of live-rock will be added. During the initial cycling, no lights will be used.
Kind regards,
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:05 AM
Date: 16th Jan 2009
AquaOne Arctic Chiller 1.5HP has been purchased.. I decided to mount this unit in the room along side the Aquarium - The "Out House" lol
I have drilled holes through the wall to allow the controller unit to be mounted in the Cabinet, and for the inlet and outlet hoses to be connected to the Chiller.
I had to cut out a cavity into the ceiling, then box in the cavity to prevent dust.
Below, I installed the hardlines for the R/O Unit to the mains plumbing, feeding the tiolet.
The SeaChem "Grey Coast" Substrate has arrived, all 22 bags of it.. hehehe
Im almost ready to start filling the tank.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:06 AM
That's quite some project George :P
Looking forward to seeing it all come together.
Is this a tank at home or for the shop?
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:07 AM
Date: 21st March 2009
Below are a series of pics of the Sfiligoi Lighting System with ACLS.
I hope the colours do justic here for the difference is brightness of lighting. The following pics are to display the Sunrise and Sunset lighting.
The ACLS controllers display the power output in %.
Just before complete Sunset, the closest halide has finished, the middle is almost finished and the far is at approxmately 10%.
I have just completed filling the Aquarium with R/O water.. only took 4days.. Adjustment has be made tot he overflow and baffles installed in the weir to help reduce the noise of 7000Ltr/hr churning through the filter system.
Level sensor has been positioned in sump, fed via the Aqua Medic Niveaumat top up pump and Kalkwasser stirrer.
Nitrate Reductor and ORP sensor filled and in place. Dosing pump connected.
Calcium Reactor filled with 25% Dolomite (calciummagnesiumcarbonate) 75% hydrocarbonate. pH sensor mounted and dosing pump connected.
Complete Reef 2000 filter is running with dual OR3500 return pumps.
Due to the overflow just coping with the 7000Ltr turnover, I will mount the Eheim Compact 3000 to feed the chiller in the aquarium, and return directly back to the tank.
No salt has been added as yet, until i have all the fine tuning sorted. Next is to ensure all the sensors are set correctky via the AT-Control System.
Im certainly enjoying myself with this set-up, just wish i had more time to speed the process up. hehehe More pics coming soon!!
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:08 AM
Date: 3rd April 2009
I have selected the internal circulation pumps - The NEW Rio Polario:
These magnets are strong, upto 21mm thick glass..
These pumps come with a Controller board to set the ocellation output from left and right. You can change the direction of the pump every 15sec - 30mins. Also has pause button for 8 or 16mins for feeding.
It was great to see the wave movement, i could see small grain in the substrate move from left to right. Im quiet impressed!!
I have also installed some small T4 Lights in the cabinet, make slife easier to see what your doing in there. 2x6w installed and 2x10w to be installed. Still tidying up all the cables.
Salt has been added. Glad I did this later then sooner. Mondays Blk out allowed me to see what happens when all the water from the weir drops into the sump.... Needless to say, it overflowed, so with some stand pipe mod's, the sump system is now overflow proof. At least it was only fresh water that leaked...
Cycling has begun.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:10 AM
Date: 11th April 2009
This pic shows the difference when the Polario is off, and then on.. Note the water movement to the upper right hand side of the pump in the second pic. And the flow is directioned down!!
Here is with the single middle light on:
And my favorite prospective at the end of the Hallway..
Now im ready for LiveRock.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:11 AM
Date; 18th April 2009
Last night 100Kg of Rock was added to this Aquarium.
Not scaped yet, just added the piece's to the tank sorted in size and quality..
Checked the ammonia this morning and this evening, 0.5mg/l.. Very Happy!!
AquaSonic Pro Bac has been added - 8ml yesterday and today
Skimmer was turned off for the first 5hrs, as were the Polario Pumps to allow the bacteria to settle on the rock, etc. Turned the skimmer on before bed last night, and this morning had a small collection of approx 10mm worth, another 10mm this evening.
Ozone was dosed @ 50mg/l with a Redox of 369mV, this morning that dropped to 244mV, and the Ozone has now been turned up to approx 100mg/l. This evening the Redox was back to 297mV.
Not that I would ever advise doing this, but 2 fish have been added. Any guess's?? Their having a ball, playing around playing tag with each other.. I love these guys, just had to have 2.. (tanks big enough)
Hopefully, i'll get to look at scaping the tank this week. Will proform tests daily. Below are 2days of testing, and log book parameter entries to be monitored.
Temp C Chiller Salinity pH Alkalinity Borate Alk kH Ammonia Nitrite Nitrate Phosphate Calcium Magnessium
27.1 36.64 0 0 l
26.8 26 36.64 8-8.5 2-2.5meq 5 0.5 0 0 0 475 1350
Potassium Iron Iodine Ozone Redox No3 Redox Ca pH Pro-Bac
50mg/l 369 -14 7.29 8ml
100mg/l 266 -45
Ca is quite high, whilst playing witht the level of the overflow stand pipe, the Kalkwasser turned on and added Calcium Hydroxide, which in turn has raised the Calcium, yet dropped the kH. Ill add some SeaChem Reef Builder to rectifiy this result, and precipitate some of the excess Ca.
Still only 1 light running - the centre light, and yes tidying up of the cables and mounting of the ACLS controllers is over due!!
Pump for the chiller has been installed in the weir, returning to the right hand side of the tank, promoting more flow in this corner.
So far, very happy with the results.
Kind regards,
P.S. hmmm, the readings have not displayed as hoped.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:12 AM
Date: 15th May 2009
Well, the cycling period ended over a week ago. Most of the water parameters are almost perfect.
No3 10
Po4 0
Ca 420
Mg 1350
Alk 3meq / kH 9
The first signs of coraline have started. This pc was an older base rock pc from the store, this was basically all browny white when placed in the aquarium.
The challenge recently was scaping the rock. My wife and I spend 3hours just trying to get the initial pcs right for the far left corner. The objective was to create shelfing area's where I can keep Tubastrea and the like under.
The scape is only 1/3 completed. Still have heaps more to do.
Im using Brightwell Products for the dedicated "Zeolite Filtration" - NeoZeo Substrate through a Eheim Pro3 2073. Supplements, are SeaChem and AquaVitro, Brightwell and Aquasonic Pro-Bac (heterotrophic bacteria)
During the cycle, there have been no signs of any cyno or red slime algae. The combination of using the Pro-Bac Carbon and Phosphate filters, including the skimming and addition of Brightwell Bio-Fuel has removed all the watse whilst creating the "Low Nutrient" enviroment.
The only growth of Algae was a micro green algae:
So after the first scrape for removing most of the algae on the walls and filter outlets (which came off very easily), I Couldn't help myself, and had to get some coral in there. As well as a few addittions of clean up crew, Snails, Hermit Janitor Crabs, Blennies and a Foxface.
Heres the tank at present.
The base of the right hand scape
Some of the Zoa's
Some Acro's
My Sponge
Current End Shot, still to be scaped
Last night the Dendro's started opening..
Now I have to start getting the dosing right for feeding and suppliments for the coral.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:13 AM
Date: 16th May 2009
The Po4 increased slightly with the addittion of 3boxes of coral, as did the No3. Im currently adding 20mls of Pro-Bac daily, and just increased the Brightwell Bio-Fuel to 20ml dose daily, as I felt organic carbon was the lacking element to kick into gear the full potential of the Pro-Bac organisms to consume the excess nutrients and organic material.
In addittion, as the Neo Zeo was only added recently, theres a bit of catching up for it to do. But im sure it will be upto speed very soon.
I still need to get my hands on a Potassium Kit. Im dosing 20ml of "Potassion" every 2nd day, Iodine and Trace every day.
The little hermit crabs are like an Army tackling the fields of Algae growth on the rocks. Snails are maintaining the glass, with a magnet cleaner go over once every 2days to release the biofilm back into the water coloum as a food source for filterfeeding organisms and coral. You can see in the last photo end shot of the tank, there is a small section of glass on the back wall which has never been cleaned or wiped/scraped. Each night this section is reducing and being maintained.
The lighting system is running on an 11hr Actinic cycle and 7.5hrs HQI cycle with a gap of 1hr between each of the 3x 400W HQI bulbs for "Sunrise" and "Sunset", for a total of 1512Watts of light all glowing for 5.5hrs per day!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
All the Acro's are extending Polyps, Dendro's are opening at night, Acathastrea's are loving it, and everyday im finding new little colonies of interesting creatures/corals. Like this little farm of bi-valves:
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:14 AM
Date: 9th June 2009
A few more Pic's.
This SPS Coral is an amazing Fluro Green under Actinics:
Continual daily dosing of Brightwell Bio-Fuel and Aquasonic Pro-Bac 10ml each.
Phosphates 0
Nitrates 0
Calcium 400
Alkalinity 3meq - kH 9
Magnessium 1350
Coraline Algae going nutz!! Im ready to add more coral.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:15 AM
Date: 17th June 2009
Another 60Kg of Live Rock - Aqua-Scapeing Branching Rock has been dumped on the left hand side for now.
Another 20pc's of Acro, several Tubistrea's, Ricordia's, and more have just been added last night.
Heres some pics, ENJOY!!
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:17 AM
Date: 14th July 2009
I'll be fragging alot from this tank very soon...
Besides the Foxface, Flame Hawk, Bi-Colour Blennie's, and BristleTooth Tang (Tomini) Plans for other fish are unknown at this stage... So many wonderful species to choose from. I definately want small Coral Gobies - Yellow, Green, Orange and Blue. Also open to suggestion.
I will post some pics soon to show the growth rate of the first Acro's. Approx 2cm of growth in less then 3mths. :thumbsup:
I got some frags from Greg at Eco Coral Farm's. All the rest of the coral is wild caught.
I have taken a bit of a back seat for this tank since the Ca Reactor was turned on. The Mg, Ca, and Alk are staying very stable!!
Still no water changes since day 1.
Addition of Brightwell Bio-Fuel and AquaSonic Pro-Bac every other day. SeaChem Aqua-Vitro Fuel for Coral feeding and addition of Viberance for Iodine. Full range of tests will be conducted tomorrow to see where everything is at.
The Dosing pump for the AquaMedic Nitrate reductor has given me some trouble. Its not sealing properly. When it comes to a stop, the flow continues, making the automation of control via the mV probe difficult.
Otherwise, very happy with the proformance so far!! And the results.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:18 AM
Date: 1st Aug 2009
Heres some of the comparitive pic's to show growth of the Acro's and more... Some of these corals have grown over 3cm+ in 3mths.
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:21 AM
Date: 19th Sept 2009
A few NEW recent addittions.... Enjoy.
Finally got a few pc's of Montipora capricornis
I did experience a few problems after the accidental freshwater flush... The Top-up dosing pump was making some vibration noise whilst operating, so it was turned off. I went away for a week and asked someone to keep an eye on things for me. The sump required topping up, which was conducted manually from the resevoir. Unfortunately, the solenoid for the RO unit was still plugged in, which ment over 300Ltrs of fresh RO water was flushed through the system dropping the salinity from 35ppt down to 21ppt.
I slowly raised the salinity back up over 4-5days by adding RedSea Coral Pro salt to the sump. SHortly after, I experienced my first coral bleaching in this Aquarium. I lost about 4pc's of acro which looked like RTN. Very fast colour loss followed by instant death.
I stabilised the parameters, and the bleaching/RTN stopped after approx 3days.
Just last week, I started to get some more very isolated bleaching on about 3pc's of acro.
Whats strange is, on one hand the acro is growing and colour intensifying. On the other, I have some bleaching and colour loss. Some of the milli's have lost their beautiful colour, looking more orange/brown then green/orange.
I need to get my K - Potassium tested to know exactly what the parameter is. I have dosed with 150ml of Brightwell Potassion for the past 4days, and am noticing some colour returning, and the bleaching has stopped.
Still great proformance from the Aquarium, and im very happy with the progress other then the mis-hap.. These things happen, what can you do??
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:22 AM
Date: 15th Dec 2009
Thought I would share some more pics of my Reef Aquarium:
Coral Frags:
Assorted Coral:
Tommeni Tang:
Bi-Colour Blenny:
Blue Tang:
More Coral and Tank Shots!!!
Tue Jan 11, 2011, 11:59 AM
love it and people say I'm crazy, well done
Wed Jan 12, 2011, 10:40 AM
Just stunning George. A fantastic project, and the end results speak for themselves :P
Wed Jan 12, 2011, 11:00 AM
makes me want to go back to marine hmmm i have a spare 6fter
Mon Jan 24, 2011, 03:24 AM
OMG. Brilliant. :D
Thanks for sharing!
Mon Jan 24, 2011, 07:19 AM
I LOVE IT!!! You did a great job. I just started my first salt water tank two days ago. Its just a small nano cube tank. So all I will be able to have is like a pair of clowns, a shrimp and maybe a goby or blenny of some kind and of course some coral. :) I can't wait!
Mon May 23, 2011, 05:34 AM
This is singly the most spectacular looking fish tank i have ever seen mate. Absolutely amazing work and it's such a credit to you. One day ill upgrade from my little 2ft reef and to something like this. Well done and make sure you keep us all up to date with it! :)
Tue Mar 13, 2012, 10:55 AM
Well, its been a few years. Inspiration was lost due to work, family, etc - but fire has sparked again.
I changed over to Maxspect LED Lighting Systems about 5mths ago and feel re-invigorated to start tuning this baby up again.
Heres where im at right now:
So 5mths ago, the Sfiligoi 3x 400w HQI + 8x39w T5 Light that was slowly killing my wallet, and was decommissioned.
100kg of rock was removed - thanks to a few mates who spent the better part of 2 nights helping me re-scape this beast.
The plan now is to connect a Bio=Pellet filter, start using some pretty little blue bottle and change those polario's over to some sweet little controllable Tunze pumps.
Hmm, I might have to start collecting more SPS again.
Stay tuned for more updates!!
Wed Mar 14, 2012, 12:13 AM
Love your work George. What optics are you using on the maxspect? 60 degrees? Great coverage from 7 units (420w total?)
Wed Mar 14, 2012, 12:22 AM
Thanks Jothy,
Im using the 100 Degree optics, and yes 420w in total over 7x modules.
I could use narrower optics, but im happy with the spread and intensity of the 100's. As many LED units are RAW LED's, the spread from those is 120degree's.
The End shot illustrates the over all iluminous output (and the pic was taken later in the evening when the lights were not at FULL Output).
The only thing the camera can't pic up is the "Shimmering Effect" usually seen with halides.
Thanks agin.
Mon Mar 18, 2013, 02:34 AM
just found this page
you make me want to get back into marines again~
stunnning!! :D
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