View Full Version : Larger South American Cichlids + Discus Fish + Plecos ???

Mon Jan 03, 2011, 12:11 AM
I am thinking about getting two Convict Cichlids, but I have five large Discus Fish in my tank right now. Would the Convict Cichlids be aggressive toward my Discus Fish?

I have a 3 inch Clown Pleco and a 7 inch Sailfin Pleco in my tank at the moment with my Discus Fish. I have heard that the plecos can suck off the mucus of Discus Fish and can develop a taste for it. My Discus and Plecos seem to be doing just fine, and they are both in perfect shape, but will that change in the future?

Thank you!

Mon Jan 03, 2011, 03:47 AM
[quote="NatureGuy97"Would the Convict Cichlids be aggressive toward my Discus Fish?

Thank you![/quote]

Yes do not mix convicts and discus
The plecos should be fine