View Full Version : HElp!

Sun Dec 19, 2010, 06:57 AM

hey guys,
one of my beloved geophagus c/v's has been struck down by pop eye!
and both of my tapajos have been hit! that i was gonna sell

what meds do i use?
my water is pristine conditions and it looks like the early stages of pop eye.
i do water changes every week. and i am doing them every day now. and i have been dosing salt

they say use metro.
what meds should i use!


Sun Dec 19, 2010, 09:28 AM

Sun Dec 19, 2010, 09:57 AM
I would go with a bacterial issue. With the little information you have provided i would suggest Triple Sulfur.

I would also suggest you find the cause of the problem. IMO this type of thing is usually a secondary infection. Poor water quality is usually to blame.

Sun Dec 19, 2010, 10:59 AM
triple sulfar in most cases will start a new cycle in my tank, which may put my fish under even more stress leading to death

My water is top notch.
i do believe it may have been cause of the 3 deaths of my plecs possibly from copper poisoning from the whitespot remedy i was using after i introduced some fish that possibly had whitespot, showed all symptoms of it.

and because of the deaths may have caused a rise in ammonia or nitrates

now the ich is gone.

here are some pics of the eyes
the tapajos seem to be healing rather fast well i think so as i saw it yesterday in the early stages



and here are some other wierd things i noticed



and will salt just cure this? looks like he just hit the driftwood


Sun Dec 19, 2010, 11:30 AM
test your water and get yor nitrates below 10ppm (below 5 would be better), you'll have to step up your water changes.

popeye is a bacterial infection certain drugs have been effective.

metro at doses 15-20mg/L dosed every water change.
tripple sulfa at 1 tablet/20L dosed at every water change (whats removed) and redosed at full strength after 3 days.

tetracycline at 1 tablet/40L dosed once (will not be friendly to filter will stain tank).

my sugestion is daily water change to get your nitrate down, I'd also give your filter a clean.

if it is popeye use epson salts at 1 tablespoon/40L this will help with the bulging. If i had the choice i'd use metro or tripple sulfa, tetracycline can stain the water and seem harsher to the filter then either of the other 2 tripple sulfa is fine on filter so log as you use it for just a few days.

to me i see cloudy eye with some swelling, clean water will fix cloudy eye, but the metro or tripple sulfa wont hurt either.

Sun Dec 19, 2010, 08:42 PM
Triple Sulfur will only have a detrimental effect on your good bacteria if you overdose it for an extended period of time.