View Full Version : Moving - Any tips??
Thu Mar 10, 2005, 10:09 AM
I am moving in 2 days and I was wondering if anyone had any tips to make the move any easier. I have a planted 4x2x2 tank which has 6 x discus, 10 x cardinals, 10 x rummy nose, 2 x clown loaches & assorted cats.
BTW my really beautiful red turk has paired up with a spotted leopard skin and they have spawned twice in the last 2 weeks but unfortuantly have eaten the eggs.
I will be borrowing a 200 litre barrel to transport half of my tank water.
Does anyone have any tips to make the trip easier.
Thu Mar 10, 2005, 11:24 AM
my only advise would be keep all the different species seperate, IE, in seperate bages or buckets.
(those clowns have nasty spikes behind thier eyes
Thu Mar 10, 2005, 01:08 PM
Dave, go to your local fish shop, and buy some large bags to transport the fish. Discus should be double bagged and only one fish to a bag. I would also suggest getting hold of an esky to put the bags in, to retain the heat.
Your filter media should be fine for a couple of hours. If the trip is going to be longer, take it out of the filter and put it in a bucket of tank water, so that the bacteria don't die of oxygen starvation.
Transporting your tank water is a good idea, and will help any die off from your filter media. When you arrive at your new place, set up your tank with the filter and the old tank water. Add some new water and dechlorinator, then add your fish. It should be fine.
Thu Mar 10, 2005, 01:52 PM
this is what i did and I only lost a few neons
don't feed them the day before and do a water change that night
I waited untill the last minute before doing the tank
Used the plastic storage containers with lids
as prodigydiscus stated keep the species seprate containers
use the tank water you have in the tank for the fish about 3/4 full
save as much water as you can from the tank
before putting the lids on cover with a clean garbage bag then put the lids on
when you arive in the new place make shure the tank and fish will be first to come out of the truck
take the lids off the containers use an airstone and air pump to give them some fresh air through the water
so get the tank clean and in place and don't put the gravel in I would leave that for a few days.
start filling the tank with any water saved and the water from the smaller fish first as well as adding the smaller fish
then start putting the water from the bigger fish in the tank as well as the fish
now here is the trick don't feel that you need to feed them yet I would leave it untill the next day.
the heater should be only turned to a temp of 1-2 degrese above what the cruent temp of the tank
and bring it up slowly over a few days.
some people say that you should add meds but I do not and have no problems
if you have to top up the tank at all declornate your water an warm it up with boiling water (its better to cool the water than to put boiling water in cold water) and add it slowly over the day.And if you can't use your filter set up because of the water level just put some air stones going in the tank
keep the light off
if you have plants put them in with the fish when moving. they won't die floating for a few days
this is what i go by when moving and it works for me the reason I lost the neons is because my beta did not feel any of the efects of the move where the neons slowed down alittle
Thu Mar 10, 2005, 02:03 PM
Good tips Discusmad. Thanks for the info.
Thu Mar 10, 2005, 02:04 PM
Fri Mar 11, 2005, 08:37 AM
Thanks for all the tips guys.
Wed Mar 23, 2005, 12:31 PM
how did the move o Davo?
Fri Mar 25, 2005, 11:47 AM
The move went well. I ended up borrowing 2 x 200 litre barrels and I put about 100 litres into each barrel (you do not realise how much water weighs). I also put my six discus plus all the tetras, cats etc into one of the barrels and they were fine. I only had to move from Mosman to Artarmon so they were not in the barrels for more than 30 minutes.
I kept the 2 x eheim cannister filters running up until the move so the bacteria was fine and when I filled the tank I experienced fairly high nitrite levels but a large dose of Prime dealt with that along with a 25% water change.
Just before the move my really nice red turk and a really nice spotted snakeskin spawned twice but they ate the eggs. I hope they continue to spawn and learn what to do.
BTW I bought a great pair of German F1 Blue Rams from SLS today and they are settling in well.
Thanks for all the help. I am hoping to post a couple of shots of the discus as well as the planted tank when I have fully planted it.
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