View Full Version : Tank size for Pair?
Sat Mar 20, 2004, 12:44 PM
I was thinking about getting double tier 4ft tanks and using 1 divided in 2 for 2 pairs and the other as a grow out tank.. Do think you this is enough room for a pair?? A 4ft standard is 252ltrs so that mean each pair would be in 126ltrs. So roughly 27gal each pair. I know the say 10 gal each adult fish but i wouldn't like it if my parents were told your kid can be housed in 20square feet minimum, id rather be what ever is comfortable, so would this be comfortable for the fish??
Sat Mar 20, 2004, 09:36 PM
they should be fine so long as you maintain the water...
I have my spawning pair in a 35g (2ft'r) and they are as happy as pigs in mud.
Sun Mar 21, 2004, 07:50 AM
My father who also keeps discus & recently had a pair in his community tank start to lay eggs everywhere. Of course they never made it in the due to the other fishies. :lol:
So your exact question was asked.
My dad owns a 2ft by 18 * 18 but it has no stand. My sister had a 2ft by 14 * 16 tank with a stand. I asked a very knowledge memebr of the ADA what his views where on this and his answer was that they would be just fine in the smaller tank.
So my father set up the smaller tank in a berdroom and put them in there. with a heater and an internal powerhead filter. within two weeks they had eggs already. To bad they laid them on the inlet to the filter, probably sucking all the males efforts away before they could do there thing. But the fish are still in this somewhat small tank and are doing perfectly well. I think the water is changed by 2 buckets every weekend.
Hope this helps
Sun Mar 21, 2004, 11:22 AM
Well i dont have a breeding pair but i am looking into seting up more tanks and would hope to get pairs somewhere down the line, so i was thinking of geting 2 teir 4ft stands and using both to grow out smaller discus and then when i get a pair to move them to a divided 4ft for 2 pairs. Nothing for sure yet just weighing up my options.
Mon May 17, 2004, 09:10 AM
I actualy used 1 X 4ft by 18 inch tank for a breeding tank. Heaps of leg room, and I found that the large water changes always triggered them off.
i feel that an 3ft by 18 would achieve the same result, but i like the idea of having more than enough room , if you have that luxury!
Mon May 17, 2004, 09:18 AM
Iam running out of room as it is! Ive moved into my bedroom now, we have a guest room with a bed that i want to fold up and setup tanks but I wasnt aloud in case someone came to stay! Which only happens once or twice a year!! So now iam thinking of buying a shed, only thing is i would have to insulate it well other wise power bills will be through the roof.
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 07:16 AM
What do you use to divide the tank ? I once tried to make a divider to separate female fighters, but they kept working out ways to get through ... probably not such a problem with discus, but wondered if you could buy tank dividers, or do most people just make them.
Bad Inferno
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 11:25 AM
I started with some plastic garden square fencing at bunnings purchased by the metre however I quickly realised (after 4 months) that this would have to be a permanent fixture in the tank so I went to get some perspex. I used a `2" hole saw and put holes in it. you may notice that when installed 1" into the gravel the bottom holes are in line with the gravel so my suckers can easily swim through when zooming along the gravel !
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 04:05 PM
nice pic, but to save members having to scroll across, not only to see the image but to read the posts, please try and keep images to a maximum of 800 x 600.
thx :wink:
Bad Inferno
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 10:59 PM
This was one of my first pics I uploaded onto a web server..think I got it sorted now....
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 11:19 PM
NP, just giving you a heads up..
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 11:21 PM
oh, dont forget you have your own personal gallery here where you can upload and host all your fish pics as well...
just click on the Photo Gallery shortcut up the top left, then click on Your Personal Gallery and there you have it...
you can add descriptions, receive comments or questions, and have your image rated out of 10 by other members...
(also, if you post the image somewhere else, it is watermarked automatically by this site for your protection (so nobody steals your image))
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