View Full Version : Dead Discus... Still no obvious reason

Thu Nov 25, 2010, 12:48 PM
Got home tonight to see one of my orange & white discus dead at the back of the tank.

He fed normally this morning and didn't appear to have any issues. His body had no apparent markings that would suggest external parasites or fungal disease. He didnt appear skinny to me. Photos below.



We did have a power outage today of around 4 hours. Would that be enough to explain it? I also had planned to do a water change today but put it off due to the tank already being "hit" today.

Also I did add 10 small (1cm) cardinals and three discus (2 x 8cm, 1 x 6cm approx) last Sunday - all doing fine.

I'm getting increasingly concerned for the health of the other inhabitants having mysteriously lost four Kuhli loaches earlier (see http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21741). I am particularly concerned about this little fellow who seems to have lost his "blue" patches, with the red turnign brown and the stress bars becoming more evident.


Current readings are:
Temp: 30.0C
pH: 6.5
Ammonia: 0
NitRITE: 0
NitRATE: 20ppm (was 40ppm before last water change on Monday evening).
Phosphates: 0.5ppm (was between 0.5-1.0ppm before water change)
GH 100ppm (70ppm before WC)
KH <20ppm (Same as before WC)

Tank is "medium" planted 6x1.5x2 with 10cm of 1-3mm gravel.

Only other difference is they seem to be hanging around the heater side of the tank rather than spread throughout - as per the below:


After losing the loaches I removed a digital thermometer probe which was rusting... just in case.

So my plan is to another 40% WC tomorrow and clean the canister filter. Then leave it another day beofre anoither 40% WC and cleaning the overhead trickle filter. Any other suggestions?

Thu Nov 25, 2010, 01:25 PM
A 4 hour power outage at 30c .... I'm surprised all your fish aren't dead. I'd say you have a lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. Drop the temp a few degree's and get some more water movement in there.

Thu Nov 25, 2010, 10:40 PM
A 4 hour power outage at 30c .... I'm surprised all your fish aren't dead. I'd say you have a lack of dissolved oxygen in the water. Drop the temp a few degree's and get some more water movement in there.

How much would you suggest? I thought 30C was "right" for Discus and definielty nothing lower than 28C. In the meantime I have placed an airstone in the tank attached to a 9L/Min air pump.


Thu Nov 25, 2010, 10:54 PM
For fully grown Discus i stick at 28C.

Fri Nov 26, 2010, 01:31 AM
For fully grown Discus i stick at 28C.

Thanks. I have a variety of sizes in the tank - 3 (was 4) fully grown, 2 almost fully grown, 2 "medium" and 2 smallish ones a bit bigger than the usual LFS size.

I'll drop the temp to 28C anyways as that then gives me some "headroom" should I ever have the need to bump up temperatures to combat disease.
