View Full Version : Do you de worm as precaution

Sun Nov 21, 2010, 07:56 PM
Do you recommend doing a worming treatment as precaution? If so how often and what kind of worming meds do you use?

Mon Nov 22, 2010, 10:36 AM
Use the search here, there are loads of threads like this, loads of prior info :)

Mon Nov 22, 2010, 08:25 PM
Use the search here, there are loads of threads like this, loads of prior info :)

Hey Steve, not to sound like i am having a go or anything and i do know there is alot of prior info on the site from times when it was really a thriving site but some new questions and discussions is good for the site, and good for us that have been here awhile to learn some new opinions/techniques etc. Maybe we need to rewrite comments regarding stuff that has been posted a million times to help people coming into our hobby to enjoy it.

In relation to the original post. I myself dont treat for worms as a preventative. If i see signs of worms i will treat accordingly. I would be interested to hear other opinions on this though as i know people do treat monthly or 6 monthly as a preventative. Do they find the worms become resistant to the meds after awhile?

Tue Nov 23, 2010, 09:12 AM
Thread started on the 8th November 2010


I gave my opinion here, easy to find, only 2 threads down same page :wink: