View Full Version : UV sterilizers

Sun Nov 21, 2010, 03:31 AM
Im looking at getting a 36 watt Uv sterilizer .I was just wondering which one of my filters i would be better off connecting it too. I have an Fx5 as well as a rena xp4 .Also was wondering what is a good brand that wont break the bank .

Mon Dec 27, 2010, 11:17 AM
pondmaster, though people tell me the aquaone (pondone) units are aslo decent bang for your buck, i'd put it on the xp4 NOT the FX5

Tue Dec 28, 2010, 04:29 AM
Thanks ILLUSN but i am now thinking of spending a little more and getting the 8watt aqua ultraviolet ? Will this be enough or am i better with the 36 watt aquaone or pondmaster ?

Tue Dec 28, 2010, 06:28 AM
On paper the 8w would be better the 2 use completely different technology in the bulb so you really can't compare if you were to go with the 8w you could go the. 25w and just hook it up to your fx5