View Full Version : Water check

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 09:28 PM
Hi ive just done a few water test but for some reason i cant remember what the levels should be for each. If some one could tell me what they should be that would be great! Its a 6x2x2 planted tank with silver shark, barbs, angels, danios, guramies, cardinal tetra, bristlenose and clown loach.

Ive yet to test the ph as my ph ped needs new batteries, not real sure what that should be either.

pH - ????
Ammonia - 1ppm
nitrate - 20ppm
nitrite - 0ppm
Phosphate - 1ppm
KH - 35.8ppm
GH - 17.9ppm

Help would be great!!

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 09:45 PM
Are you sure your ammonia reading is 1ppm ?

Your fish must be suffering from ammonia poisoning! You need to do an immediate water change of at least 75% of the tank.

Your important readings are Ph which should be between 6.5 and 7.5 for a community tank.

Ammonia is highly toxic and should be zero.

NitRITE should be zero.

NitRATE should be under 20.

How long since you've done a waterchange? There must be some reason why you're experiencing an ammonia spike.

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 09:52 PM
I did have a fish die last night which is why i did a water test. And the last water change (50%) was end of october. The external filters have been a while longer since a wash out. How often should they be washed out?? They are both aqua pro 1200's.

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 10:06 PM
Hmmmm 17 days without a water change. You should aim for 50% once a week. That plus the fact that you found a dead fish in the tank could account for the ammonia reading.

Clean your filters at least once every two months, but never both on the same day.

Do one filter each month. Wash the media gently in a bucket of old tank water so you don't disturb the bacteria too much.

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 10:32 PM
Ok thanks for that.
Often i take the media out and its fully caked with muck. I usually hose them down, both the clay balls and the sponge. Opps!!

Whats the best way to clean the spounge as they are usually almost solid with gunk?

Ok sounds like i need to step up some more regular maintance.

One more question, when i put water in from the tap, is it ok to put water conditioner into the tank as the water is coming in?

Thanks heaps!!!

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 10:51 PM
I usually hose them down, both the clay balls and the sponge. Opps!!

Ooooops is right. The chlorine in your water will be killing off your bacteria colony each time you clean your filters :oops: You've got to use old tank water. Several buckets of it if necessary. Give the sponges a really good squeeze under water till they run clear.

It is possible to add Prime whilst you're refilling the tank, but much better to heat and aerate a drum of water for 24 hours, add Prime, then add to your tank. Much safer.

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 10:56 PM
Alrighty, thanks for that.

Tue Nov 16, 2010, 11:27 PM
I think you need to go to the library and borrow some books on aquariums. And read up about filters and how they work water and stuff like that. :D The first thing I did when I got my first 2nd hand tank was kill all the good bacteria in my filter like you have done. I would buy some Seachem Stability I swear that stuff works.

Thu Jan 20, 2011, 06:32 AM
Its been a few months now and ive still been haveing the odd fish die on me :(

The lastest being my 6 year old clown loach.

They seem to go redish on the gut and near the fins and loose ability to remain upright and then day or so later go belly up.

I have been doing regular water chages over the last few months. I have been dosing the tank with ferts and wonder if it could be them gone out of date perhaps? Ive stopped their use completly since my clown passed away.

Any pointers would be good!!


Thu Jan 20, 2011, 12:05 PM
Keep up with the water changes, gravel cleaning, wiping the glass down with each water change and keeping the filters and hoses clean.

Thu Jan 20, 2011, 03:04 PM
You dont know how old some fish are when you purchase them. Some could of died of old age. I hope you have read some books, Or you could learn alot on here. Some times fish die in captivity and theres not much you can do. I have a sick discus at the moment. I let him fight to much when I knew he needed to be seperated. Not enough tanks = sick discus. Treating him know. Fun Fun. not.

Thu Jan 20, 2011, 10:32 PM
Yes ive read few books but i find info on here much more beneficial. Ie had chiclids for 10 or so years, but had a community tank for maybe 2 years, so still learning.

There seems to be a fair bit of brownish algea growing on logs and back wall where i have trouble getting access to clean off. Is it bad to leave algea growing on the walls ect?

Another thing is was told recently to add after a water change was Cycle into the water? Is this essential?

Thanks guys!!