Thu Nov 11, 2010, 07:47 PM
got the fright of my life last night. After smelling some smoke the kids yelled mum I think the house across the road is on fire. I looked out and could see some flames in the back of the house. I ran down the hall grabbed the phone and ran back and that was it the house was one huge flame ball. The young fellow had been cooking left it unattended and walked back into the kitchen and it exploded. He ran got out and that was that the house was like i said a fire ball. I realised last night how scary fire really is. Don't stop and get you pets or your bags or photos or anything just get out. While we were waiting for the fire brigade Rob ( the young fella in the house) told us he wasn't sure if his mate was in there or not. Luckily he wasn't. Our house is an old weatherboard renovate the back of the house is renovated but the front isn't. There were embers everywhere landing on the roof and in the backyard. I was really worried for my place. We all had to get hoses and wet the house down just to be safe. To the fire fighters who fight fires I think you are all amazing that is dangerous stuff and down here in country vic they are all volunteers. That was my 11.11.10.