View Full Version : Slightly fat belly and wont poo

Thu Nov 04, 2010, 01:37 AM
Hi all i have a small leopard im growing out he stopped eating about 5 days ago .His belly is a little fatter then usual so yesterday i put him in a qt tank and put in some epsom salts 2tbs to 40ltrs.Its been over 24hrs and 2 100% water changes and he still hasnt done a poo.How long does it take for the epsom salts to work?
Other then the fat belly he looks great nice high fins really good colour thats why i think he is backed up .

Thu Nov 04, 2010, 02:09 AM
You are removing the Epsom salts with water changes, so it will not work.add back salts and no water change till he poos

Thu Nov 04, 2010, 02:35 AM
Im replacing the epsom salts with each water change its just the tank doesnt have a filter so im trying to keep the water as clean as possible.

Thu Nov 04, 2010, 03:02 AM
There is only 1fish. Don't worry about doing a water change for unto 36 hours. This fish will eventually die if we don't get it to eat and poo. After 36 hours if it still has not pood do a water change and double the amount of Epsom salts. It is also possible this fish has a heavy worm infestation. Have you de worked. Visit my website. www.marlonsdiscus.com.au for worm medication

Thu Nov 04, 2010, 03:19 AM
Thanks Boxters I will wait for another day then and yes i have wormed my fish i did to about 3 months ago with lemvisole .Does the wormer you have do different worms then Big L as i have never used yours .