View Full Version : Help ss Not Happy
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 05:52 AM
hi guys my ss ovrnight has developed a extremly swollen stomach and is swimming sideways upside down and every which way doesnt look good at all started treatment with Prazi and Salt Raise dtemp to 32 Ph 6.5 amm etc all nil The fish was fine yesterday as i did a water change and he was swimming around normally what can i do
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 06:55 AM
I Hope you get this in time.
YOU PH is NO good! get it to 6.9. up to 7.4 is ok - slow gradual increase ok,
A swollen stomach suggests some type of blockage or intestinal tyep tumour.
it happens all the time and can / does result in death.
is its poo white?
put your temp to 30 and leave it there.
dont use your tank lights
dont over kill with hands in the tank
salt treat and ensure a normal water change schedule.
if it eats - feed live brime if possible with normal food source, no beef heart.
and cross your fingers.
good luck
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 07:20 AM
Hi nicholas Im only reasonably new to discus and youve got me a little confused I've always read and be told that discus like acidic water not alkaline I thought 6.5 to 7 was the best for them and if your breeding 6.7 is the best can you just explain why you suggest a lot higher thanks
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 07:47 AM
im rather concern when people start throwing medicine in tank as soon as the fish appear sick. its better to observe and then medicate. most of the time extra water change and slowly raising temp with extra salt will do.
if i may ask, why add prazi? i would add epsom salt to help with blockage.
leanne: dont pay too much attention on ph, they will do just fine in most water condition what you want is stable for parameter.
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 07:56 AM
Thanks dreamer my ph comes out tap at 6.7 to 6.8 and ive always be told thats perfect I didnt want to have to add things to make it higher as Ive always be told that was a big no no I suppose different people have different opinons.
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 08:16 AM
my ph out from tap is ~7.5 thats normal sydney water, my discus are happy and eating greedily and the best of all.... they breed.... so ph 6.5 best for breeding is myth :)
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 08:32 AM
Why is PH 6.5 no good ?????
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 10:57 AM
i dont recommend 6.5 why?>
HI Leanne,
ill summaries mate
Your fish were born in bred in water that was 6.9.
im not saying they wont live or do well in 6.5 but i am recommending to you what is ideal.
your fish werent born in the amazon. you dont need black water or acidic water.
my tap water is 7.5 - many moons ago when i stopped playing with my ph always adjusting it to 6.5 etc all my issues STopped! no scared hidey fish ! no jumpy fish!
leanne31 6.8 is fine , are they happy if so cool! better to be in teh 7's than low 6's. ok!
ill go in to more detail soon, must go the girlfriend is calling out!!
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 12:51 PM
Hi aza, for the swelling to happen overnight, it sounds like a blockage of some kind. Epsom salts will certainly help with that, but seeing as you have started a course of prazi, you should continue with that. If there is no improvement, then give epsom salts a try.
As for your water, just leave things as they are at the moment. You should be doing daily water changes now, and it's just not going to be possible to muck around with pH.
Discus have been raised in all sorts of water, from a pH of 6 up to 8. There are no hard and fast rules. Everyone will have a different idea about what works for them, but your fish will adjust to just about anything in time.
Water for breeding discus needs to be soft and slightly acid, but anything from 6 to 7.5 has worked, and probably someone has even bred discus in water outside those extremes. So, what's the most important thing; CLEAN and STABLE water conditions, and don't make sudden adjustments in anything. HTH
Mon Mar 07, 2005, 01:00 PM
use the kiss method it works for me and my fish ard looking great
I uasly have problems when somebody tells me to try something new lol
Wed Mar 09, 2005, 03:32 AM
my ph is 8.1 farly hard water my fish are happy
stable,stable,wc,wc works for me
Wed Mar 09, 2005, 06:33 AM
Hi aza its been a couple of days just wondering how your ss was doing :?: Is he any better :?:
Sun Mar 13, 2005, 01:21 PM
The little guy has recovered well and is back to normal so thanks for the advice id say it was a blockage of some form maybe constipated
Mon Mar 14, 2005, 02:55 AM
Glad to hear he's recovered. I love happy endings :P
Mon Mar 14, 2005, 10:59 AM
glad to hear the fish is better,
my two cents worth on the pH thing......................
i have heard of discus living in ph 5.5 to 8
i have even heard of them being subjected to high 3's for solving probelms
everyone i have heard from says stability is better than acidity
clean stable water is way better then fluctuating clean water
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