View Full Version : Tri sulpha

Wed Oct 27, 2010, 06:25 AM
Well, My big male spawned with his spoils of war day before
I went to PNG. Got back a week or two later. Just in time to see free swimmers on my second day back (must of had two batches while I was away) They lasted about 6 hours before the hoards ate them. Anyway My big male Had gone nearly black and eyes bulge a bit sometimes. So Into the hospital tank. I have treated for parasites and now am treating with Tri-sulpha for 10 days. try sulpha has been in for two days wil my sponge be dead allready.

Wed Oct 27, 2010, 08:25 AM
I have used Triple Sulpha and not had any problems with my good bacteria.

Wed Oct 27, 2010, 10:58 PM
sorry that post was rushed. I am doing daily water changes of 100% and re dosing with tri-sulpha at 1 tab to 40 litres. All the darkness has gone and no bulging eyes. My understanding is you should treat for ten days.