View Full Version : noob Thinking of going wild
mr troph
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 12:40 AM
G'day been in the hobby for about 15yrs and keeping discus for a couple. A friend has 2 wild altums fs and 3 dumerili all around 8cm. Im thinking of buying one of the groups, I'd realy like to get the altums but from what ive read they are extremly tempramental.
The tank would be a standard 6ft with 2x 1500ltr canisters and a 1200 canister with 36watt UV steriliser.
I no more numbers in the group would be ideal but at least if I lose them im not too out of pocket.
Let me know what you guys think.
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 05:38 AM
Go for it. Altums are fascinating fish, and not nearly as delicate once they get a bit of size on them. At 8cm they've passed the most vulnerable time, and it should be plain sailing from here on in.
Your tank sounds perfect, the only consideration is ..... what will you put in there with them? You can't add domestic angels because of the disease possibility. I wouldn't add domestic discus either, but wild discus would be perfect.
Some of the larger type tetras would also work, as would maybe some rams, kribensis or even eartheaters. Keep the eartheaters small, you don't want them bullying your altums.
Thing is, you need to keep your altums at a pH of around 6 and not higher, so you need companion fish that will thrive in that low pH.
Others may have some more suggestions.
How about some photos. I'll be able to tell you if they are genuine orinoco altums or a form of peruvians.
mr troph
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 06:03 AM
:D Thanks for the info. I'll try get some pics soon. I think they maybe peruvian tho :( . I will try find out for sure, if they are do you think i'd be better going with 3 dumerili which will cost about the same.
I was planing to house them by themselves for now and add tetras later after quarentine ofcourse.
Another ? would I be best to move my discus and comunity stuff to they tank im currently cycling. And give the Angels the fully cycled tank. I have added extra filtration to the discus tank to seed some cannisters.
mr troph
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 06:06 AM
:) Oh yeah ph around 6 maybe slightly lower I used rain water on all my tanks I no in theory they rain water sould be neutral guess there my be leaves and such in there.
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 06:11 AM
Even if they are peruvian and not true altums, they are still a good looking fish, and I'd rather have them than drumerii, but that's just a personal choice :wink:
What size is the other tank? Two fish don't need a huge amount of water so maybe keep the community fish in the larger tank, and give the altums the smaller tank.
mr troph
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 06:31 AM
:D Sounds good. Tanks are same size about 350ltr.
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 06:53 AM
Excuse my ignorence but can someone tell me or show me a picture of a drumerii i tried to google it but had no luck .
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 06:56 AM
Excuse my ignorence but can someone tell me or show me a picture of a drumerii i tried to google it but had no luck .
Also known as Leopoldi. Hang on and I'll find you a pic.
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 07:07 AM
Here's one I found on Wikipedia.
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 07:12 AM
Thanks for that Merrilyn
mr troph
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 07:14 AM
Excuse my ignorence but can someone tell me or show me a picture of a drumerii i tried to google it but had no luck .
Also known as Leopoldi. Hang on and I'll find you a pic.
Yep thats the one if you could post a pic that would be great. Ive found a few pics but nothing great. Sorry a bit of a dummy with computers.
I was thinking if I got the 3 dumerili It would increase my chances of getting a pair. Im gunna check em out either tomorro or saturday, I guess I wont know which to take untill then. And hes giving me a week to make sure tanks fully cycled. I might put a school of rummy nose in tommorro just to kick it along.
Thanks for your help I found all you post on altums very helpful. I was dreading that you guys would try to stear me away from them.
Oh if you can find a pic of the peruvian altums that would be sweet.
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 07:15 AM
Forgot to add i would go the Altums too.:)
mr troph
Thu Oct 21, 2010, 07:17 AM
Here's one I found on Wikipedia.
Nice with a bit of luck you might see F1 fry out here in central west in the future
mr troph
Wed Dec 15, 2010, 08:59 AM
:D Hey I ended up going with 4 9cm red/brown alanquers and have anoth 4 6cm arriving tommoro morning. Still keen to get some wild angels at a later date. Ive recently had a 6x2x2 plumbed and sump just need to get a bit more equipment and that will free up 2 standard 6fts
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