View Full Version : Angel Fry

Thu Oct 14, 2010, 01:13 AM

Well currently I have about 50ish week old angel fry in a 2ft by themselves which are doing great but now the parents have spawned again in my main display tank and was wondering how well the second lot of fry will go in the same tank as the first lot? I was thinking they would do ok as its only a weeks difference but please say if I'm wrong??


Thu Oct 14, 2010, 08:14 AM
They'll be fine Marty. Keeping the water pristine will be your main problem, as well as growing enough baby brine shrimp for feeding :P

Good luck.

Fri Oct 15, 2010, 10:56 AM
Ok cool thanks! Yeah I I'll be a busy busy boy.... I'm already going nuts growing BBS for my apisto fry and the current angel fry!! haha :D

Its all fun, thanks again.