View Full Version : what type of worm?

Sun Oct 03, 2010, 09:33 PM
Hello - I have noticed tiny little white worm crawling all over the glass of my discus tank in the last couple of weeks. I have completed the treatment of lemisole and now doing prazi. Iadded the prazi yesterday and was hoping that would knock them down but they are still crawling around. How long does the prazi take and is this the right treatment? Unfortunately the little things are too small to show up on a photo.

Mon Oct 04, 2010, 02:16 AM
It sounds like planaria. They're harmless to your fish, and prazi won't have any effect on them.

They appear as a result of overfeeding. They feed on the excess food laying in your tank. Best way to get rid of them is to starve them. Cut down on the feedings, do a thorough gravel vac at each water change, and you should see the population decrease :P

Mon Oct 04, 2010, 08:50 AM
thanks as always Merrilyn! Yeap I think you are quite right I think I have been overfeeding them!