View Full Version : Ongoing

Fri Oct 01, 2010, 09:45 AM
I have a slight problem with my discus. So I need expert advice thanks people.

I have a red melon which he's bottom fins look like they have broken off. Not sure what has happen there. Also he seems to be hiding a little.

Last week they all had feces hanging out after a feed.. Now some of them seem to be passing white feces and also dark feces. I have not had a good chance to look at them this week as been a little busy but they are all eating.. Blood worms at least, only some eat tetra bits. Red melon not being one of them.

Thanks again for any help

Fri Oct 01, 2010, 09:54 PM
Hi, sorry about the lack of info.. bit short of time of late..

Water - ph 7 -
I do have a slight amonia spike.. wardley test kit is showing a slight yellow but I dont have a chart for that. (second canister filter stopped working and just running off large pond filter)

Nitrite not present yet

Nitrate have not tested as doing 20% water changes every 2nd day

I'm using prime to try and stop the amonia damage and nitrite when it hits. I add this daily for the whole tank.

The red melon has stopped eating now completely.

The white discus has had black stringy feces hanging now for a good 30mins which is what the red melon had at the start then it was white stringy feces.

I'm very concerned over the red melon not eating and the two lower arm like fines being broken off.

I'll post video when I get a chance.


Mickey C
Fri Oct 01, 2010, 10:15 PM
You're in the wars recently mate! :(

It sounds like an internal parasite to me but I mainly wanted to show my support for you :) Hang in there!

Sun Oct 03, 2010, 09:35 AM
Ok I have the red melon QT feeding soaked praziquantel black worms.. He is eating..

Just a question if someone knows. Does black stringy poos mean anything?

Sun Oct 03, 2010, 10:07 AM
Black is a good colour, it means that the fish is digesting the food. All the time it is eating you have a chance of recovery. good luck

Wed Oct 06, 2010, 08:29 AM
Ok I'm pretty sure now my discus had hex.. Been treating them and the red melon has made a huge turn around.. I'm starting to think that is what skinny had..

Hard to tell symptoms when a newbie..

What I would like to know if some kind soul can tell me plz.

1. Do u have to treat your whole tank for hex or is it ok just to treat your fish (will it come back)?

2. Is $5 a 200mg tablet of mezzo too much to pay?


Wed Oct 06, 2010, 10:02 AM
Hi Decapper, what's your tank situation now, did you manage to get rid of the ammonia spike you had?

I gather you've been treating the fish in the hospital tank. Are they all eating now, and is there any sign of white droppings or is it all black now? You just need to treat the fish, not the tank, although having said that, what other fish do you have in the main tank.

Is it Metro you've been treating them with? If so, $5 a tablet is very expensive. Did you get it from your vet. It's prescription only medication, so if you didn't happen to get it from your vet, don't mention who it was.

I strongly suggest you visit your vet, and ask if he will prescribe some Metro for your sick fish. He may want to see the fish, or he may simply ask you to bring in a photo.

As far as the broken ventral fins go, don't be concerned. They eventually grow back.

Thu Oct 07, 2010, 05:03 AM
Hi Merrilyn, thanks for your reply.

I have the red melon in the QT tank and have been treating him with metro that I paid $5 a tablet from a vet.. Thought it was a bit rude but I did not want to lose another fish.

The red melon passed a long clear feces last night which was turning black at the end. When I got home this afternoon I found black droppings all over the bottom of the tank so I was very happy..

In the main tank I been treating my other discus with soaked tetra bits.. They are all eating very well and all expect one of them have good colours. One is very dark but other wise very active.

Main tank fish - rummies, congos, bristles, glass catfish, and 2 fighters. oh and some snails.

Thu Oct 07, 2010, 07:13 PM
Oh the amonia spike was short lived.. 4days I think. And it was always very small.. Only a slight yellow.

Never got a nitrite spike? Dont know what happen there but everything is fine now

Fri Oct 08, 2010, 02:10 AM
Well it looks like things are getting back to normal. So that's a relief.

Keep us posted :P