Mon Sep 13, 2010, 02:12 PM
Chap posted this on another forum earlier today. HE doesn't seem to be able to register here, and one of his fish have died during the day. Hope you dont mind me posting this on his behalf - he certainly needs urgent GOOD advice!!
1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started
I have 3x Blue turq and 3x Red turqs
All of which are hiding, and dont show much colour at all. Most of them are very dark and have stress lines on them.
2. Symptoms
Not eating
Clamped fins (at times)
Clear poop
Dark eyes
3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.
I put some melafix and pimafix in, but it kill nearly all of my pencilfish, so i immediately did a 50% water change
I also de-wormed them the same day... So i doubt that took any effect.
4. Tank/Water
200L (50gal), Its about 6 months old. 6x discus would be around 3 inches each.
5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?
30% once a week
10% every 3 or so days
soil is seachem flourite black sand
6. Parameters and water source;
- temp 26.5 atm (i think my heater is dying, i need a new one)
- ph 7.9 (whatever i do, i cant get it down. i am running pressurized co2)
- ammonia reading 0
- nitrite reading 0
- nitrate reading 0
- Gh 10
- Kh 4
7. Any new fish/plants added recently
10x cardinal tetras
4x rummy nose tetras
6 of the cardinals died and 2 of the rummy died literally 3 days after putting them in the tank, I have no idea why they did.
I did a water change, turned off the co2, cranked up a air pump and added some seachem discus buffer and cleaned out the filter
Tests are done using an API test kit
ammo: 0
nitrate: 0-5
nitrite: o
ph: 7.2
gh: 10 (179)
kh: 4 (71.6)
Other tank fish include: rummy nose tetra, cardinal tetra, pepper cory, siamese flying fox and ottos.
The filter has been well established. Before i used it in the tank, it was cycling in a tank that had been running for about a year.
I stole the heater from my other tank and have it in there now, slowly raising the temp to 30. I will buy one tomorrow in my break.
How do i treat "hex" and this "wasting away disease?"
I have been googling and cant really find a clear definition of what hex is and how to treat it.
I use tap water (i think it comes from Candowie Reservoir). I am in the westernport area.
hes dead.
i dont know what to do, this is killing me, i feel like im torturing them, and i am doing everything i can to help them.
There are still 5 sick Discus and I believe he dpon't have a QT tank.
What should he do next?
1. Please explain the problems with your fish/when and how they started
I have 3x Blue turq and 3x Red turqs
All of which are hiding, and dont show much colour at all. Most of them are very dark and have stress lines on them.
2. Symptoms
Not eating
Clamped fins (at times)
Clear poop
Dark eyes
3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results. Include dosages and duration of treatment.
I put some melafix and pimafix in, but it kill nearly all of my pencilfish, so i immediately did a 50% water change
I also de-wormed them the same day... So i doubt that took any effect.
4. Tank/Water
200L (50gal), Its about 6 months old. 6x discus would be around 3 inches each.
5. Water change regime/ how long has tank been running/ bare bottom or gravel/ do you age your water?
30% once a week
10% every 3 or so days
soil is seachem flourite black sand
6. Parameters and water source;
- temp 26.5 atm (i think my heater is dying, i need a new one)
- ph 7.9 (whatever i do, i cant get it down. i am running pressurized co2)
- ammonia reading 0
- nitrite reading 0
- nitrate reading 0
- Gh 10
- Kh 4
7. Any new fish/plants added recently
10x cardinal tetras
4x rummy nose tetras
6 of the cardinals died and 2 of the rummy died literally 3 days after putting them in the tank, I have no idea why they did.
I did a water change, turned off the co2, cranked up a air pump and added some seachem discus buffer and cleaned out the filter
Tests are done using an API test kit
ammo: 0
nitrate: 0-5
nitrite: o
ph: 7.2
gh: 10 (179)
kh: 4 (71.6)
Other tank fish include: rummy nose tetra, cardinal tetra, pepper cory, siamese flying fox and ottos.
The filter has been well established. Before i used it in the tank, it was cycling in a tank that had been running for about a year.
I stole the heater from my other tank and have it in there now, slowly raising the temp to 30. I will buy one tomorrow in my break.
How do i treat "hex" and this "wasting away disease?"
I have been googling and cant really find a clear definition of what hex is and how to treat it.
I use tap water (i think it comes from Candowie Reservoir). I am in the westernport area.
hes dead.
i dont know what to do, this is killing me, i feel like im torturing them, and i am doing everything i can to help them.
There are still 5 sick Discus and I believe he dpon't have a QT tank.
What should he do next?