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View Full Version : New display tank

Sun Aug 29, 2010, 01:04 PM
I have had this running for about 2 months now. Transfered all the fish stock form my corner tank to this 4x2x2. Thought i would post the pics of the set up from start to finish.










Sun Aug 29, 2010, 08:05 PM
looks very nice

Sun Aug 29, 2010, 08:54 PM
looks great well done

Sun Aug 29, 2010, 10:08 PM
Looks good once settled :D

Mon Aug 30, 2010, 02:09 AM
Looks great. That's a loooong power board.

Mickey C
Mon Aug 30, 2010, 02:18 AM
Looks fantastic mate! I would have got all the plumbing for the filters in place before filling it though - easier to pull the tank off the wall to get your arms behind if need be. Bet you swore at least once in the process ;) hehe.

Is that a combination of sand and gravel?

Mon Aug 30, 2010, 07:43 AM
cheers guys, I really appreciate the feedback

It sure is a long powerboard, but i have 2 filters, and air stone, co2 solenoid, heater and my lighting is a unit with 8x50w T5 lights. The light unit has 4 banks of 2 and i have found i dont need to use all of them. indeed i am only using 4. The plants are growing crazy, in particualr the cabomba(i think thats it). I have cut it back quite aggresivly as it got covered in algae after a bloom while i was tweaking the co2 and nutrient levels.I have the lighting on for 10 hours a day. The CO2 is on with the lights, the the airstone comes on at night. These are on timers.

.I am putting some serious consideration towards a co2 controller, more so for the benfit of the fish. I have a ph swing from 6.5 - 6.8, While im not overly concerned by that swing, i believe a more stable water chemistry would be much more beneficial. I have read that it may lead to me actualy using more co2 but i have 4.5kg bottle hooked up. So in all seriousness it would still take a while to chew through it all.

The substrate is a mixture of fluorite and playsand. I think i did the right thing with the flourite as i am finding it is feeding the plants nicely on its own, the algal bloom i am sure was the result of liquid ferts adding too much to the nutrient level in the water collum. I have since stopped the liquid ferts and it hasnt stopped the growth of the plants at all.

LOL and yes mikey, You are right. I was kicking myself. Thank goodness i had the presence of mind to leave a good gap between the tank and the wall. The background would have been a real PITA otherwise LOL. Sometimes my enthusiasm gets the better of me. :)