Wed Aug 25, 2010, 09:36 AM
Hi. Mike here.
I have 1 of my chequerboard pigeonblood with a problem. I noticed today when i got home that the fish has a distinct bulge in the belly. Seems to be acting normal, feeding avidly. I have had these guys for about 3 weekes now, purchased at the same time. I can see no white feceas. And the Disc doesnt seem to be in any distress. I did also notice it expell some sort of white stuff. Not sure how to describe it except to say it was like it coughed up some talcum powder.
water parameters are
Nitrate 0ppm
amonia .5 ppm
nitrite .00ppm
gh kh is at 4 degress or between 50 - 100 ppm acording to the chart
PH is 6.0 ( this is a bit of a concern to me as my ph has been stable at 6.6)
The tank is cycled, 50 gallon corner tank. I have 9 juvie disc in it. It is BB and i do a 10% water change daily plus 2 x 50% water changes a week. with cleaning the bottom of the tank daily. I also have 4 albino bristlenose in there. I kno
w the that is a lot of discus for one tank but it is not my intention to keep them all to maturity and beyond, once i have a pair i will be moving the others on.
should i be concerned? I have prazi on hand if it is a worm infestation, but i am retisant to just throw in meds. and if i do should i dose the whole tank or QT that one fish. I have a breeding tank i have set up however it is not cycled yet. Would meds affect the BN?
I am about to do a 50% water change now and i would be gratefull for any of your input.
I am uploading some pics but it is a bit hard to get the bulge to show in the pic. To be honest it reminds me of the bulge my female angel gets when she is full of eggs but i dont see how this could be the case.
I have 1 of my chequerboard pigeonblood with a problem. I noticed today when i got home that the fish has a distinct bulge in the belly. Seems to be acting normal, feeding avidly. I have had these guys for about 3 weekes now, purchased at the same time. I can see no white feceas. And the Disc doesnt seem to be in any distress. I did also notice it expell some sort of white stuff. Not sure how to describe it except to say it was like it coughed up some talcum powder.
water parameters are
Nitrate 0ppm
amonia .5 ppm
nitrite .00ppm
gh kh is at 4 degress or between 50 - 100 ppm acording to the chart
PH is 6.0 ( this is a bit of a concern to me as my ph has been stable at 6.6)
The tank is cycled, 50 gallon corner tank. I have 9 juvie disc in it. It is BB and i do a 10% water change daily plus 2 x 50% water changes a week. with cleaning the bottom of the tank daily. I also have 4 albino bristlenose in there. I kno
w the that is a lot of discus for one tank but it is not my intention to keep them all to maturity and beyond, once i have a pair i will be moving the others on.
should i be concerned? I have prazi on hand if it is a worm infestation, but i am retisant to just throw in meds. and if i do should i dose the whole tank or QT that one fish. I have a breeding tank i have set up however it is not cycled yet. Would meds affect the BN?
I am about to do a 50% water change now and i would be gratefull for any of your input.
I am uploading some pics but it is a bit hard to get the bulge to show in the pic. To be honest it reminds me of the bulge my female angel gets when she is full of eggs but i dont see how this could be the case.