View Full Version : whats wrong with this pic??????????
Mon Feb 28, 2005, 04:39 PM
who can tell?*jGD9Te2vPBetKy62xWjczJOnGAMn3gp3d6lg T3iiRfl5GOO5sujaMfeBgtO7uJkMRxP4t3PzBJ3ltk1mlXkNLI 4lMVRXYo/untitled.bmp?dc=4675512030685813003
Another pic from the Discus As A Hobby site
Mon Feb 28, 2005, 08:26 PM
no caudal fin??
Mon Feb 28, 2005, 10:40 PM
maybe its just my eyes but it looks like this fish is bloated
Mon Feb 28, 2005, 10:42 PM
o yer and it haznt got a tail (????? does it?????)
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 11:38 AM
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 12:10 PM
o yer and it haznt got a tail (????? does it?????)
spot on the money!
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 10:57 PM
i heard about this once i think this discus is called a butterfly discus (discus that haz no tail)
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 11:35 PM
Would that feature (or lack of it) be an advantage to the fish?
I think it should be culled. At the very least, not sold in anyway or even bred :shock:
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 02:15 AM
I agree. If anything like that showed up in one of my spawns, it would have to be culled. As responsibel breeders, I think we have to draw the line somewhere. A fish without a tail seems like a good place to start.
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 04:47 AM
actually I think that's pretty cool. I'm not a breeder yet so I don't know the urges you guys get. Would be nice to see one swimming! I wonder how it looks so well even though without a tail.
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 05:13 AM
Can't blame you DiscusD. He certainly looks ...errr...different. But just put some food in your tank and watch your discus swimming. I mean really watch them. See how they use their tail like a rudder to turn, twist and move thru the water. Now imagine that poor thing without a tail. At the very least he's at a disadvantage.
In that photo he looks well fed and healthy, but nature gave him (and every other fish I can think of) a tail for a reason. I can't see how removing the tail can be an improvement.
I'm all for cross breeding to develop new colours or new patterns or higher dorsal fins etc., but I don't like altering the body so that the fish is less able to swim.
Just my humble opinion.
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 05:16 AM
very unusual...
I am of 2 minds...
If I bred that myself, and it was obvious from a young age, it would be culled.
If somehow it slipped through, or I was offered it as an adult for free, I would take it, put it in a tank with other stupid fish (those that have no idea how to spawn) and let it live a normal life... If it showed signs of spawning activity, I would seperate it...
no use in making one wrong, worse...
if that makes sense
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 05:18 AM
i heard people are actually breeding these fish on purpose to have no tail.
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 05:26 AM
But just put some food in your tank and watch your discus swimming. I mean really watch them. See how they use their tail like a rudder to turn, twist and move thru the water. Now imagine that poor thing without a tail. At the very least he's at a disadvantage
yep, he's probably at a huge disadvantage, an inability to swim well and fast will most likely make it the first prey if in the wild
Pretty fish that swims slowww :roll:
But everything looks proportional! how weird is that?! Shouldn't it have like a larger something in replace for the tail? It certainly is a special one
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 12:37 PM
from what i have read of the post about this fish the guy was wondering wether to cull it or not but decided to keep it because it swims well and is faster than the other fish in the tank
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