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El Zilcho
Thu Aug 12, 2010, 11:46 PM
Hi all, just thought id introduce myself... have already made a few posts.

Ive been keeping various fish for a few years now, not really into Discus but have found this forum very informative anyway!

My current tanks:


4 x juvenile 'Cichlasoma' salvini, with a few bronze cories cleaning up their mess.


3 x adult Geophagus sp. "Araguaia", plus a bunch of little ones.

1 x female Geophagus sp. "Pindare", was a breeding pair but unfortunatley the big male died a sudden death a few months ago. Why i will never know! :(

These guys also have some rummy nose tetras in with them.


2 x Apistogramma macmasteri, with some pencilfish dithers.


A small tank with a colonly of Neolamprologus multifasciatus


