View Full Version : I think Sally has hole in the head

Thu Aug 05, 2010, 04:14 AM
My poor old girl has a big opened would on her head. :( I don't understand how she could have hole in the head?? could be a burn from the heater that has turned sour. Arrrrrgh NOT HAPPY JAN.

Thu Aug 05, 2010, 04:21 AM
What do you feed here. Hole in the head is generally caused by a vitamin deficiency

Thu Aug 05, 2010, 05:30 AM
she gets the works home made beefheart mix ( from here)every morning.She is fed 3 times a day either live or frozen brine frozen blood worm blackworm tetra bits discus granuals and the list goes on. It is definatly hole in the head I can see a white pussy thing just above the sore. She is still eating and acting like normal so I have added some metro to the beefheart mix and i am treating her on the advice of the lovely Andrew Soh from one of his books so fingers crossed for .

Thu Aug 05, 2010, 10:08 AM
Can you post a pic?

Thu Aug 05, 2010, 11:15 AM
mmm it's very hard to get a pic of her, she is my headstander and her swimming is somewhat well she isn't very graceful at all. I will try and get a pic tomorrow.

Sat Aug 07, 2010, 03:05 AM
The white pussy things are no longer there so I gather that is good. I am hoping that the stress of her condition (headstanding ) hasn't caused this for her.

Thu Aug 12, 2010, 09:02 PM
Things are healing beautifully. I added metro to her food but in a panic ( as I do very well) I didn't do the correct dosage I added 1x tablet to ??? beefheart mix and fed it to her over 4 days. I am sure this was a big overdose but it seems to have done the job. Water changes every second day and added salt and archiflavine to replace what I took out. One week later and the wounds are now the same color as her. Go Sally. Still not sure what caused this but luckily a good outcome.

Thu Aug 12, 2010, 09:08 PM
My female turk likes to swim head first into the decor on occassion. The first couple of times that she took a little chunk of flesh out it looked a little like HITH. It may be that Sally simply hurt herself and the "pustule" in the middle of the wound was just a chunk of meat.

Thu Aug 12, 2010, 09:26 PM
One of my nice albinos decided to do that the other day too. I have bare tanks with only sponge filters but the wound was so deep and large across the top of it's eye and forehead it killed it'self. I was gutted. Now that really was a hole in the head !! :roll:

Thu Aug 12, 2010, 09:50 PM
Oh gosh that is terrible.

Sat Aug 21, 2010, 10:25 PM
The arciflavine and salt has done a great job at healing the sores. It must have been hole in the head as she did have another small hole sore the other side of her head as well.