View Full Version : WHY NOT!!!
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 08:16 AM
:x :x I hate them now...
One of my patches of Discii won't EAT!! I don't know what's wrong: I give them food (color bits, froz. bloodworms, and even a homemade b/h mix) and they won't even eat till full. Maybe try, but soon any after will be eaten and spit out 5 sec. later.
2 of the 4 are pretty much your everyday marlboro and are pretty good in size and shape. The other two are really degraded and seem to have a pretty tough time surviving.
I had just brought some 6 corys for the food often, if not always, settle on the bottom, and before in another topic I mentioned that sometimes these fish need advice on whats food, so I brought another 4 dime-size angles to teach my fishys
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT...they won't eat. Those angles are surely going to last longer than the discus and the corys are like monsters, and yet..the discus still won't eat. The two normal marlboros seem to like fighting over who gets to eat first and soon they don't eat at all, the other two are floating weakly above them. I had just put in about a ton of worms in there and they still won't eat, chew and spit. :roll:
I hope they won't die off...Is there any kind of electric shocker so I can shock them when they won't eat, that autta get them eating :twisted:
oh and another thing, the OTHER two marlboros haven't eaten for about 2 weeks now
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 08:59 AM
Have you tried feeding them live food as in black worms or bs :?: Have you seen them poo and if so what colour is it :?: Try turning the temp up a bit and add some salt and by the way your picts didnt work :?
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 09:23 AM
yer i agree with leanne. giv em a coupleo goes with tha black worm or raise up sum brine shrimp (as in the size that you can definetly see .4 cm). that should work.
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 12:49 PM
Mate sorry to see that.
Lesson is that you need to not only make sure you feed a balanced diet but you also need to periodically medicate your fish.
I assume that the fish are not new arrivals as you have done a lot to get them to eat, and you have done all that can be expected except the live food but i wouldnt hold out much hope i woudl say they have a internal bug of some sort.
I use a combination of two products in my fish room that are quick and easy and work really well. Discus Booster and Discus Monthly. You are already feeding the tetra bits so they will eat these medicate foods without much hassle. I do mine once a week rotating booster and monthly. The only fish i have had troubles with are the new arrivals. I have a fish not eating at the moment as well. And it is plainly due to my lack of time to sit and watch it not eating to get it soon enough. I am treating it now and it should recover as can yours but you need to get them out and treat what the problem is. all who answer can suggest a different reason of ailment but they are sick and will die unless you fix it, we all know what no food means.
There is a fish vet whos details are located in the sick section of the forum. But you will need to decide what you wish to do.
Good luck and hope you can get them sorted.
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 01:02 PM
Hi Wayne you mention that you use discus booster and discus monthly just wonder if you can give some information on these as Ive never heard of them. what they for :?: where you buy from etc :?: thanks
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 01:10 PM
They are available from many shops but the one i can tell you where i know they sell it is Monaco aquariums at Canley vale in Sydney.
The foods are made by teh comany called White Crane.
Hope that is of some use to you.
They really do take the guess work out of medicating your fish.
Opps better add what they are.
Monthly = Discus Wormer.
Booster = flagyl like treament.
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 01:15 PM
OK i though i better add this.
Due to importation laws into australia the food is actaully rebadge so it is legal to sell here as the original packages didnt contain ingredients :)
OK here is a link
Monthly = Discus Dewormer
Booster = Discus Medi
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 01:17 PM
Thanks for that Wayne might have to ask around a couple of lfs around my area though I think Sydney may be a tad to far for me to go just for meds thanks anyway
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 06:58 PM
I think Sydney may be a tad to far for me to go
Same for me, only a LITTLE bit far. Another thing, does their Bio KH+ formula work well on discus?
Oh of course: Their poo still is very white and clear, and that means no food eaten. I have bumped the temp to 86 farenheit and some I'll put some salt right away.
internal bug
You mean like worms? I think some small white worms are presently in the tank right now and I thought that was always due to the accumulating excess food on the bottom?
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 11:17 PM
White poo is not a good sign is it jelly like could mean they have a internal flagellate (hex) I'd up the temp another degree or two and add 1 tbs per 10 gallons of salt
Mon Feb 28, 2005, 03:53 AM
thx guys, man... WORM?!!! So, bumping up the temp to 88 degrees would affect the discus how? And would that high temp do anything to the angels?
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 05:50 AM
OK update: well one of my discus, the trouble maker, has started eating! Well, that's one...three left. He seems to eat like a little piggy now! Now I get that statement... :roll: Anyways, the angels sure are influencing my discus and hope they will affect the rest of them guys
The good thing about my angels are that they are not shy, allowing the discus to look and ponder why such fish are not scared of those giant beasts. Has also helped bump the trouble maker's confidence...
oh and another thing, can you guys see my pics posted in the top post? I sure can, but I'm linking to a website :?
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 06:01 AM
I cant see them. Save them to your computer and then add them to your post as an attachment
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 06:02 AM
No I cant see pics all I can see are those dreaded X's
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 07:25 AM
Look at ALL that food! The marlboro on the top right is Stripes, troublemaker
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 07:25 AM
And still they fight...
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 07:26 AM
The dime angels, they eat like crazy :roll:
I mean look at the size of that middle angel's stomach!! jeezz, they eat like there's no tomorrow :shock:
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 07:40 AM
ahh now I can see them thanks. Hopefully if one is eating the rest might follow.
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 07:59 AM
Here's some pics just taken of stripes a couple minutes ago...
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 08:02 AM
And I'm now a discaholic... :roll:
Stripes looks for trouble
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 08:04 AM
Another thing, the other discii are seemingly trying out the food! Just sometimes though, when I'm far behind the counter. So, basically it's 2 down 2 to go. The thing is, the angels provide the essential competition that is present in the wild. Meanwhile, the discus knows that food are given when the angels are excited, presenting them with the idea that food is important eat it and takes away the nasty habit of trying it and then spitting it out.
The angel's are doing great! I'd recommend this method to anyone with the same problem
Tue Mar 01, 2005, 01:01 PM
I have often read about this method working so it good to see that it is having an effect.
How long after the insertion of the Angels did it take for them to have an effect on the discus just for reference sack.
And now that the ones are eating is the poo coming out the right colour?
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 04:07 AM
Well, the angels have a tremendous effect on the discus and the pics of the ones I had just posted have started eating the day after they went in...they others are really starting to eat too!
Wed Mar 02, 2005, 04:55 AM
That's great news. Glad they are finally doing well.
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