Wed Jul 07, 2010, 12:46 AM
We imported this stuff in from o/s just out of curiosity. It is a mixture of metronidazole mebendazole levamisole and vitamin b. It doesn't have any indication of how much of each product is in it and the only directions is 20 ml to 100 litres. So I didn't use it just in case. Late last year I had a fish that showed symptoms of worms and I treated it as such with no response at all then thought maybe the start of hex so treated with metro still no response. The fish had gone for weeks without eating and I was really worried. I came across this in my medicine cabinet and thought nothing to lose and used it. That fish is still here in my tank doing very well for herself. I wasn't sure what it was that helped her out maybe a combination of all the meds and didn't give it another thought. For the last six or seven weeks I have had another fish with the same symptoms did everything the same but I just couldn't get her to eat and there is no poop in sight not even clear ones. Again as a last resort I thought bugger it I will use this zoo stuff as I have nothing to lose. Well after 48 hours of treatment she started eating last night. Again who knows which of the meds worked maybe all of them together but next time I will be reaching for this stuff first. Well worth looking into I think.