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View Full Version : G'Day from Ghoti

Tue Jun 22, 2010, 02:44 AM
I need to thank Swampy1972 for an introduction to this forum.

This time last week I would have said you'd be mad to try an keep discus. This week I'm looking for some! (I guess being mad could help :lol: )

Having kept community tropicals for years and more recently a mixture of Aussie rainbows and malawi cichlids in a semi-planted tank I have finally upgraded to a six footer (179cm long x 50cm deep x 60cm high)

After touring the LFS's looking at stocking options the missus said she'd really like to try discus - I said she was mad. Then I thought about how beautiful they are. Then I asked a few innocent questions on another forum.

Swampy siezed the challenge and convinced me to give it a go.

I'm from Melbourne Victoria, living out in the hills to the South East - I guess you could call it the outer outer-suburbs.

Looking forward to learning heaps and getting a few "kings" in my tank.


Tue Jun 22, 2010, 03:20 AM
Hi "Fish" and welcome,

I am sure that Swampy will give you plenty of information regarding discus and where to get them.

Good luck with the new setup. I am hoping to get a new 6ft setup running over the next month or so.



Tue Jun 22, 2010, 03:21 AM
Hey scott, welcome.

we're in the south east corner also, where you living?

congrats on your upspec tank also

Tue Jun 22, 2010, 05:19 AM
Hey scott, welcome.

we're in the south east corner also, where you living?

congrats on your upspec tank also

Upper Beaconsfield - in the hills between Berwick and Emerald. And you?

Tue Jun 22, 2010, 07:01 AM
Hi Scott,

Good to see you made it across. Welcome!

Being away from home gives me little else to do with my time other than to stalk the forum scene looking for new members :D

I'm sure you'll find plenty of useful info here. The forum is about to undergo a big shake up so it should be interesting to see the outcome of it all.

Tue Jun 22, 2010, 09:17 AM
Hey scott, welcome.

we're in the south east corner also, where you living?

congrats on your upspec tank also

Upper Beaconsfield - in the hills between Berwick and Emerald. And you?

Your only a stones throw from me. Narre South