View Full Version : Mix discus lge with small stunt growth
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 02:47 PM
I have read that you shouldn't mix large discus with smalls one's that it could stunt the small one's.
Is this true?
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 03:26 PM
It also Snows in the Amazon :lol: :shock: :wink:
Sat Feb 26, 2005, 02:54 AM
If the larger ones dominate and hog all the food then yes it will stunt the smaller ones.
Sat Feb 26, 2005, 03:48 AM
That's a load off.
I just make sure they get there fair share.
Sat Feb 26, 2005, 08:46 AM
ironically our two smaller ones eat the most out of all them. Bigger doesnt mean better :D hehe
Its cause they seem to be faster and more agile, maybe even a lil smarter. Our big ones can be real goofs at times.
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 12:39 PM
I have a lot of fish that i used to keep in the same type tanks. Eg a tank of whites and a tank of Goldens. I have observed that fish that are of the same size grow at different rates.
So when the differences where large, say about 0.5 inch in difference, I moved them all around and put them in a tank with similar size fish ( what fun that was :) ). Now the some of the smaller ones are catching up to the bigger ones. So yes you need to keep discus of like sizes together when growing them up to ensure the fastest growth rate.
As said it is probably due to the amount of food available and most people probably underfeed there fish as the more food you give them the more work it is. But if you want good grwoth it is all part of it. Food + clean water = fish growth so not enough food = not fast growth. So domince is reduced by putting fish of same size together. Of course overly dominant fish never get to eat as they are to busy tellgin everyone else off :)
Make sure you feed at both ends of your tank and then also make sure you feed the right amount.
There is a lot more to this when it come to full grown adults but that can be the next post if your interested.
Sun Feb 27, 2005, 06:24 PM
In an effort to be more accurate..... When you have a (or some) specimen(s) that seem to be growing MUCH slower than others it is a GOOD idea to put them in with less competitive/smaller fish... Often 'Timid' specimens will draw back at feeding due to intimidation from larger/more aggressive specimens... changing environment and placing with smaller specimens often makes that/those specimen/s have more confidence and levels the field.... and usually they will begin to grow quite quickly often catching up with ones that were larger in previous setting.
OTHERWISE in the general situation adaquate space (size of tank [ie. space], adaquate filteration/circulation/water changes [ie. cleanliness] and broad diet) varying sizes is NORMAL in Discus schools.. There is of course always a hiarchy in any social order [and Discus are Very social], and of course at breeding seasons mature specimens naturally become more aggresive and territorial and demand a 'space' of thier own.
A little experimentation goes a long way toward learning these things.
Mon Feb 28, 2005, 01:10 PM
Thanks again
Lucky i have a spare matured tank in the ready,So if need to move one.
Which i hope i don't have too.
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