View Full Version : WTB american cichlids, tetras, loaches, catfish

Thu May 20, 2010, 12:52 PM
as title states looking for any size (including pairs),cheap american cichlid, Geophagus, festivum, Keyhole , Festivum, Severums, Red forest jewels, Apistogramma, RAMS, Discus, Angels, Firemouths, Convicts, others considered

also looking for Kribensis, plecos, bristlenose (albino, calico, peppermint, breeding pair), ottos, pictus, Whiptail, corydoras, syndotis, yoyo loach, clown loach, Kuhli loach, Lemon tetras, neon tetra, cardinal tetra, rummy nose tetra, Pencil fish, Glowlight tetra, Rosy tetra, fire tetra and topedo barps

if you have anything above or similiar to the species and are cheap email me at jo.mumma@hotmail.com, above email does not work

prefer fairfield/liverpool area, or if you can deliver