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View Full Version : The Future of DiscusForums.com

Thu May 06, 2010, 09:28 AM
I am in the process of working out what to do with this site, both in regards to its future, and any possible upgrade work that is well overdue.

As some will know, www.BettaForums.com was locked down some 8-9 months ago as its use had pretty much stopped. The same is starting to happen with www.AusFishForum.com , and we can't hide the fact that things here are not what they used to be.

So what do we do?

I have been thinking about merging all the forums, along with opening things up to other areas, such as the keeping of dogs, cats, birds and other pets as a lot of us dont just keep fish. Plus we have a lot of resources such as auction and classifieds software we have on hold (aquaauctions.com & aquaclassidieds.com - both offline).

What are peoples thoughts on this, would you support a large open community discussing many other types of pets, or would you rather DiscusForums.com to take its own path and we just look at merging the other sites and trying to build a new community that way?

If we did go down the path of merging everything I would ensure that Discus have there very own area, not just one topic area, after all, the Discus is the King of the Aquarium...

Votes and comments welcomed.

Thu May 06, 2010, 09:35 AM
...it would also help, regardless of which way you vote if you could make a quick reply with your thoughts that went behind your choice, that would help a lot.

Thank you

Thu May 06, 2010, 10:31 AM
It is a shame that the other forums have taken the hit from the global downturn in the fishkeeping hobby. Consolidation would give a larger front for 'a' fish keeping forum, but would it loose the expertise and specific knowledge we now have. Making a large generic forum might just make a larger less used place to be. :?

Thu May 06, 2010, 11:18 AM
Consolidation would give a larger front for 'a' fish keeping forum, but would it loose the expertise and specific knowledge we now have. Making a large generic forum might just make a larger less used place to be. :?

I think if done the right way a consolidated forum could really work, and at the same time if managed correctly no expertise or specific knowledge would be lost, best of all, a lot of new people get exposed to something they may have never considered before.

At the end of the day, other pet keepers may have no interest in keeping fish, or Discus to be specific, but they will be educated, and best of all in areas such as the photo gallery and general community areas traffic will increase, if anything just to say how good someones fish does look good, and after all, comments, feedback and the occasional WOW certainly do help at keeping people in the hobby, and attracting new people to have a go.

Once again, it is a topic that needs discussing, I know which option I like the best, but that does not mean it will be what actually happens.

Thu May 06, 2010, 11:44 AM
I'm all for a larger scope to the forum, as most of you know my personall interests have shifted from discus to L numbers, I also have an interest in dogs birds and reptiles.

A bigger forum will bring in new members, attract new sponsors, both of wich ae important from an admin side, this forum cost money and at the moment the only one paying the bills is you Ro.

More scope means more work, especially for you Ro, its going to mean we need more mods, theres going to be bigger clashes of ego's and more politics, which thankfully this community has managed to avoid for the most part.

Steve also raises an important point that even if it were done well its going to harder to find something specific, as it is too few people use the serch function, my PM box is always full of questions cause people cant find the answer their looking for.

If your up for it mate I'd love to see a bigger broader forum, just so long as discus and aquariums are still the focus and not just a side note like they are at pet shops.

Mr Wild
Thu May 06, 2010, 12:23 PM
For my part I think diluting it with other animals with detract from the hobby BUT openeing up all areas of the undewater world could well be worthwhile.

At present there are many areas we do not cover why branch into other animal areas when we could widen our scope and become the best site for many more undewater species?

Thu May 06, 2010, 10:08 PM
Im all for a bigger and better site.

More members will only serve to increase the knowledge base and ensure that useful inofrmation is spread to the wider Discus communiity. Unfortunately when a site such as this specialises it will always be limited as far as member numbers are concerned.

Many of us have interests other than Discus (shrimp, planted tanks, etc) and it would be great to be able to discuss these aswell and spread ALL of the knowledge we have accumulated rather than only the Discus related knowledge.

As for it being a lot more work to moderate, I'm sure that there would be no shortage of core members willing to lend a hand and give back to a community that has given them so much.

I say go for gold !!!!!


Thu May 06, 2010, 11:01 PM
I think a merge would be a great idea, as some others have already stated. I am also interested in other animals such as reptiles. As long as we still have some where that I can admire other peoples discus (seeing as I dont have my own lol) I would be happy. The other topics that can be put to the new super forum are endless..

But thats just my 2 cents worth :)

Fri May 07, 2010, 12:34 AM
For my part I think diluting it with other animals with detract from the hobby BUT openeing up all areas of the undewater world could well be worthwhile.

At present there are many areas we do not cover why branch into other animal areas when we could widen our scope and become the best site for many more undewater species?

I am 50/50 with you on your first comment, I think if done the right way we could always ensure that aquarium related content is the prime focus of discussion. And aside from other areas for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Reptiles, etc we can really push other facets of the aquarium hobby, i.e. Marine/Reef, Dwarf Cichlids, Planted Aquaria, Turtles etc etc.

The main thing that makes me lean towards a general pet site (with a focus on aquariums) is everyone I know that has fish, also has a dog or cat or something else with fur, feathers or scales

Mr Wild
Fri May 07, 2010, 08:05 AM
The main thing that makes me lean towards a general pet site (with a focus on aquariums) is everyone I know that has fish, also has a dog or cat or something else with fur, feathers or scales

Yes I see your point but whilst we all love our cats and dogs they are not necessarily something that we buy often or even breed often. Nor do I see a necessity in discussing illness as these animals are well catered for in the normal stream of vet science.

While I agree it would be nice to make a post and show pictures of my mottley crew I cannot see the need to have a forum for them.

My interest is in things we find hard to be informed about that lay outside the normal stream that others have learnt or discovered themselves and are willing to share.

HTH explain where I am coming from. Cheers

Fri May 07, 2010, 09:58 AM
It would be a shame to loose the basis of what we are here for and that is Discus..I can see a place for a replacement for Scales and Fins i think it was called
But specialist forums will always have a place,no matter whether it be Marine ,Catfish etc
Anyway that's just my 2 cents worth

Fri May 07, 2010, 10:51 AM
I am with Kath, although I too have 2 beautiful cats, my hobby is discus. I love my cats dearly, but have no passion to talk about their functions, I think we all know what they do and why, and if they get sick, which they don't very often, off to the vet they go.

Fish on the other hand are a very different thing. They are elusive and strange, unpredicatable and often difficult to understand. That is why we have a great discus forum here, we all share the thrill of trying to understand our fish. If this is diluted with general pets, we might loose the intensive passion. If we blend the different forums, I think we need to make sure that there are distinct areas that divide life-forms ie, aquatic Bettas, Discus, etc etc and mammals etc.

We need to go careful :wink:

Sat May 08, 2010, 12:41 AM
I forgot to add last night..that we have 3 Rag Doll cats all desexed,we love them but really don't wan,t to join a forum on them
I am here for the fish and anything to do with Aquaria

Sun May 09, 2010, 12:31 AM
Please keep the ideas coming in.

My thoughts have changed somewhat to maybe having a general site focusing on:

Firstly, all things aquaria - with dedicated specialized areas for Discus, Catfish/Plecos etc, Bettas, Marine/Reef, Aquatic Plants and Aquascaping, Shrimp.

Secondly, Reptiles, Newts, Amphibians, Turtles etc

Lastly, a single forum area for all other pets, with sub-forums for Dogs, Cats, Birds, etc

Have direct feeds into select areas, i.e. if you type in www.DiscusForums.com it takes you specifically to the Discus area of the forum, same goes for Bettas etc where we have existing domain names.

Classifieds would be generic to all areas which would encourage a lot more activity

All in all the site would have a new name, but all current sites would feed into it so we wouldnt be lost to old members

Mr Wild
Sun May 09, 2010, 02:54 AM
That is sounding really good Proteus. I think it may also encourage more people to browse other sections as well and perhaps thinking about keeping other pets or maybe there is someone out there that thinks I have always wanted to keep a lizard but never knew how, it will help direct people into doing it right the first time.

Might I also suggest that we try and get someone knowledgeable for each area so that when you log in and ask a question you know you will get an answer from someone experienced. Not sure how you would go about doing that but its a thought there must be people out there with heaps of experience and knowledge perhaps from other forums that have since past? Then if you can get the people name them and their experience like on their signature or something so we get to know them and look for their posts.

HTH Kath

Sun May 09, 2010, 03:05 AM
Might I also suggest that we try and get someone knowledgeable for each area so that when you log in and ask a question you know you will get an answer from someone experienced. Not sure how you would go about doing that but its a thought there must be people out there with heaps of experience and knowledge perhaps from other forums that have since past? Then if you can get the people name them and their experience like on their signature or something so we get to know them and look for their posts.

HTH Kath

I know of several people within the existing active members who are hardcore into there Reptiles, L Plecos and Cats, Marine/Reef and planted aquaria so having experienced people on hand should not pose a problem. Obviously we will need to add a few more mods/advisors, but overall we should be ok.

Obviously when the time comes that the changes are made a call out will be done for volunteers who would like to help build up certain areas with content and helping answer questions.

Sun May 09, 2010, 08:40 AM
the forum needs more photo competitions like we used to have. I think involving other animals/sections will bring more people to discus in the long run as well

Mr Wild
Sun May 09, 2010, 11:30 AM
I know of several people within the existing active members who are hardcore into there Reptiles, L Plecos and Cats, Marine/Reef and planted aquaria so having experienced people on hand should not pose a problem. Obviously we will need to add a few more mods/advisors, but overall we should be ok.

Obviously when the time comes that the changes are made a call out will be done for volunteers who would like to help build up certain areas with content and helping answer questions.

Sounds very promising Pro.

Sun May 09, 2010, 01:03 PM
Since the site name has nothing to do with austrailia and everything to do about discus the answer of what to do remains clear.

Although it is... sad to see the forum failing I was always disheartenened by the austrailian home of a discusforum.com site. One would think it would be discusfoums.com.au. which is available and ready to be purchased.

In the end selling the domain to someone capable who will market the domain globally is a good option. Migrating to discusforums.com.au for the hardcore locals is probably best. Good luck.

Mon May 10, 2010, 04:01 AM
I voted for a huge super site.
Now for it to work imo, it would really need to be right from the very word go , or i think it will be tooo BIG "the forum" and fail :(

Will be sending a pm soon :)

Cheers mate


Tue May 11, 2010, 02:27 AM

I too voted for a huge super site.

While i have not been active on this site for some time i still come back in at least weekly to see whats going on.
I agree there needs to be a very strong focus on Fish and aquariums but adding other animals will maybe highlight Discus and there beauty to other non fish people.

The only thing i would make a point of is if a person joins the forum they should have to make a few post before they can see things and this may be a bigger issue once it is opened up to other pets as there is allot of people who have there first post being a "For Sale" post.

Good luck and i can't wait to see how it goes.

Tue May 11, 2010, 08:47 AM
Hi All,

I haven't been a member here for all that long as I have only recently taken on some discus again.

I have however been breeding dogs for a number of years and joined dogzonline.com.au which I found to be a very good site when I first joined. Provided me with a lot of information and the support I needed when after information.

Over the years there have been additions and moves to cater for "other" interests which in my view has signficantly reduced the effectiveness of the site.

I have learnt a hell of a lot regarding discus in the time I have been here and I now realise that I have so much more to learn. I find the site easy to navigate at the moment and I am generally able to find the information I need.

As a result I have voted for an update/upgrade.



Tue May 11, 2010, 10:45 AM
Bring it on!!
In my short time using this site I can't help but notice a steady decline in activity. It sad to see since it's the source for some excellent info.
My only suggestion would be to attempt to attract some active sponsorship. Most of the current sponsors haven't updated their threads in some time.
Keep up the good work guys. We all appeciate it. ;)

Tue May 11, 2010, 12:07 PM
It's really sad that this site deosn't pump like it used to. It's damn hard to keep a site as succesful as this one has been for so many years.

I've learned so much from this site, made amazing friends and shared my personal experiences. I have a lot to thank it for

I think there are more 'pros' to having a super site than there are 'cons'. So my vote goes with a super site

I'm happy to offer my help wherever i can with the new site


blackwater spa
Thu May 13, 2010, 09:12 AM
Would there be sufficient expertise here to help with questions about other pets other than aquatic ones? Apart from discus, I also keep pet parrots (Amazons and Macaws).

Thu May 13, 2010, 09:31 AM
Would there be sufficient expertise here to help with questions about other pets other than aquatic ones? Apart from discus, I also keep pet parrots (Amazons and Macaws).

Well to be honest "there might be other bird keepers"
Who might ask for advice, that you know the answer too :)



Mon May 17, 2010, 03:23 AM
Yes I see your point but whilst we all love our cats and dogs they are not necessarily something that we buy often or even breed often. Nor do I see a necessity in discussing illness as these animals are well catered for in the normal stream of vet science.

While I agree it would be nice to make a post and show pictures of my mottley crew I cannot see the need to have a forum for them.

My interest is in things we find hard to be informed about that lay outside the normal stream that others have learnt or discovered themselves and are willing to share.

HTH explain where I am coming from. Cheers Kath's reply pretty much sums it up for me. I'd open the forum up to all areas of the aquatic hobby. Next, I would have sub forums for the other more exotic pets - reptiles and maybe even birds. I've included birds because again, not all vets know a lot about birds. There are only a few specialist avarian vets out there.

I think opening it up to all aquatic pets is the way to go for the long term good of the forum. Perhaps there just aren't enough discus nerds around to keep the site flourishing. Even so, I still think even this brings in the distinct possibility that for the dedicated discus lover, it may detract from the site. I'm a member of other forums that cover all forms of aquatic life, but usually find I don't visit them much as the discus or L number member base just doesn't seem to be there. So I keep coming back to the discus or catfish specific forums.

As for dogs and cats. I love them to bits and enjoy looking at everybody's animals - but I can do that in the off topic lounge section of the forum. If they fall sick, the vet is easily accessible and there is so much available information on them. For the real hard core dog breeding enthusiast, who does feel the need for a dog forum, I think they'd go to a forum where dogs were the main focus .... not to a Discus forum where there was also a dog forum.

My thoughts might be way off, but that's the way I see it and that's why i voted for the upgrade.

Mon May 17, 2010, 03:33 AM
Edit: sorry, i can't edit the above post. I didn't vote for the upgrade (as that also included the comment "leave as is". So I voted for the final choice.

Pro, in your upgrade of the site, I wonder if you might consider consider activating Tapatalk for the iPhone. I recently visited anther forum on my iPhone and this message popped up:-

“This forum is iPhone Native! Click OK to learn more about Tapatalk”

So of course, I clicked OK to see what it was all about.

Tapatalk is an iPhone app from itunes & it makes navigating a forum from the iPhone so much easier. Apparently, the Forum Owner needs to activate Tapatalk support in his forum before members can access it. From what I read, it’s free for forum owners to activate Tapatalk.

Anyway, I bought the app and have to say it is a lot easier to browse forums using it, so I was wondering if you might consider it for this forum?

Mon May 17, 2010, 10:27 AM
I agree that it should really stay on the aquatic side of things. I love my cat and dog but if they fall ill im going to the vet rather than posting in a forum.

Mon May 17, 2010, 10:49 AM
Based on feedback the new site will be 100% aquatic based.

There will be a small area for reptiles and amphibians however.

TW, we have already looked into MOBI type interfaces and that will be a part of the new site, optimised for products such as iPhones etc

Mr Wild
Mon May 17, 2010, 12:36 PM
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Mon May 17, 2010, 09:01 PM
TW, we have already looked into MOBI type interfaces and that will be a part of the new site, optimised for products such as iPhones etcYeah, yipee - thanks for that !

Mon May 17, 2010, 11:31 PM
I always enjoyed the low ph-ness of this forum :-) and still do. I never had interest in keeping lake cichlids and this forum pretty much covered all the fish I like. Most importantly it does concentrate on the king of the aquarium. I'm out of discus keeping and have been for a while but i still come on here and read posts every now and then.
Whatever happens in terms of content I'd really like this to stay latino land, i.e strong focus on south american cichlids, that will keep it unique as in australia most people you see posting on local forums seem to be into high ph tanks/african lake cichlids.
Bettas would be good as they remain very popular and will expose the forum to a wider community of fish keepers.

I've got the feelings that forums in general have gone down a bit since youtube/twitter/facebook and those type of sites have emerged.

Tue May 18, 2010, 03:55 AM
I've got the feelings that forums in general have gone down a bit since youtube/twitter/facebook and those type of sites have emerged.

You have hit the nail on the head with that. Every forum I visit, am associated with or know someone that has something to do with have all slowed down since the advent of social networking, it is an area that we are looking at tapping into, whilst focusing on the community/forum basis of sharing information.

Tue May 18, 2010, 04:10 AM
I've got the feelings that forums in general have gone down a bit since youtube/twitter/facebook and those type of sites have emerged.

You have hit the nail on the head with that. Every forum I visit, am associated with or know someone that has something to do with have all slowed down since the advent of social networking, it is an area that we are looking at tapping into, whilst focusing on the community/forum basis of sharing information.

Why not link the forum to twitter and face book etc etc ?

Tue May 25, 2010, 03:39 AM
hi All

This is a bit of a late reply, however I confess I rarely get out of the dwarf cichlid forum :D

While I understand the needs and demands of a changing world I would really like to see the dwarf cichlid forum kept as a distinct sub forum of whatever this evolves into. The history behind this forum comes from many years ago when Simon's dwarf forum got absorbed into another cichlid site, then due to a perceived lack of interest they then tried to merge the dwarfs in with the 'other ' cichlids, Proteus very kindly gave us a home here and while activity varies there is a growing network of dwarf keepers in Australia.

In general I believe there is real value in an Australian based specialised fish forum be it Discus or other South Americans, these fish are not your run of the mill guppy or gold fish and demand a greater level of interest and attention by the hobbiest. The requirements to keep, breed and raise fry successfully far outway the just add water approach and thus hobbyists need a knowledgable resource to turn to either to receive advise or to share their adventures, failures or successes all of which adds to the learning process.

Like zar said "the low pH-ness of this forum is great"

Just my 2c worth



PS: I must not swim with the school because I dont have facebook, twitter or an iPhone *sigh*

Tue May 25, 2010, 03:56 AM
Hi Steph,

One area which will be expanded if anything is the Dwarf Cichlid topic area.

Whilst I don't post in there very much, if at all, it is one area that I always keep an eye on to see what is going on as I have a soft spot for apisto's and ram's

Tue May 25, 2010, 03:57 AM
PS: I must not swim with the school because I dont have facebook, twitter or an iPhone *sigh*hehehe steph. I only recently got an iPhone (contract was up & I lost my old phone - so an upgrade was forced upon me) but I have absolutely no intention of doing facebook or twitter either. So there are at least 2 of us swimming against the school :)

Tue May 25, 2010, 01:50 PM
All valid points of views.

I'll follow my interests, & hope like sh^t there are people there when I arrive..lol

Forums sites remain pumping by member loyalty, & an active interest. Pure & simple, if you enjoy the interaction & the experience your going to come back & contribute. Trust in sound consistent advice is also another big factor.

Merge what you've got to merge, but from my perspective, if you want to draw great crowds again to interact with, apply alittle more than a new coat of paint. Update to a later platform whilst you've got the hood up.

Bring together a bi-monthly article publishing committee that actually puts together a quality informational template read for folks - Once that hits cyber land and its quality, you will see the ball roll.
Breaking the topics down from the publication & placing those corresponding at the top of our forum subjects should also be considered. That way people navigating can also have a great introduction read, before getting swamped by individual threads where im sorry to say, the real gold info is surrounded by a sea of junk.

I just believe we have something great & unique to offer the world. Doing anything from an Ozzie perspective is a draw card. We're quite a resilient bunch that has much to offer, All it needs is a few to put the hand up and join in on the exciting & fun.

Cause thats what its all about. I come online to serve 2 purposes.
A) Get the informational fix & interaction
B) Unconsciously seek the extra inspiration & excitement thats often sapped by the end of normal day life.

My 10c anyway.

vanessa messig
Sat Jun 05, 2010, 12:10 PM
In my opinion, a Specialized Aquatic Forum would be great!

One huge Aquatic Forum being divided into 'Specialized Aquatic' areas, with expertise advice and information. All types of aquarium kept fish, frogs, turtles and aquatic plants, all in individual, specialized areas of the forum.

There are so many passionate aquarists out there bound to be attracted to the sight which would also attract more sponsors. I believe this would work very well.

Perhaps a facebook link with pics. as an intro.

Fri Jun 11, 2010, 03:52 AM
Guys...as a new member i come here to get specific and detailed about my type of fish...ie DISCUS.... This is what a specialised site is all about, giving concrete, valued, specialised information to help fellow enthusiasts.Whilst it may seem a great idea at first to have a combined site, the only reason i chose to become a member was due to to the exclusivity of the site.

Furthermore, i am an avid member of a car club.....because of the car i own.

I emplore you to ask yourself this question....if you owned a ford or a holden would you go to a specialised ford or holden site or a GENERAL car club....Please dont make this a general type forum...we all know how that can go with totally irrelevant posts, not helping anyone....

Anyways ive had my rant...INDEPENDENT is for me

Wed Jun 16, 2010, 08:48 PM
Just a quick FYI... refer to seperate post regarding the down time for DiscusForums.com over the past 5 days


Thu Jun 17, 2010, 02:00 AM
I found this site because I am interested in Discus, would be a shame to see it disappear like a lot of other sites. I see the purpose in expanding, but maybe only stick with Aquatic animals.

I dont want to see this site becoming another PetLink.

The people and the knowedge keep bring me back, I dont want to see the site becomming diluted with every other animal, therefor causing all the good people to move on.

Just my 2 cents.


Thu Jun 17, 2010, 03:46 AM
I found this site because I am interested in Discus, would be a shame to see it disappear like a lot of other sites. I see the purpose in expanding, but maybe only stick with Aquatic animals.

I dont want to see this site becoming another PetLink.

The people and the knowedge keep bring me back, I dont want to see the site becomming diluted with every other animal, therefor causing all the good people to move on.

Just my 2 cents.


I agree with Rob this a site with a lot of information on the King of the Aquarium "Discus" I recon it should be kept that way.


Thu Jun 17, 2010, 05:10 AM
I have pretty much made my mind up about the direction of this site. It will stay focused on Discus, however some additional areas will be opened up to other areas of the aquarium hobby.

Other pets, such as dogs and cats have good forums already out there, so maybe a few strategic links to those sites and leave this place for the fish heads

Fri Jun 18, 2010, 04:28 AM
Good to hear.

Are you entertaining an upgraded platform at all bud?

Fri Jun 18, 2010, 06:33 AM
I to welcome the change,but keeping the focus on fish is really pleasing to read :D

Fri Jun 18, 2010, 09:12 AM
Good to hear.

Are you entertaining an upgraded platform at all bud?

Once upgraded nothing will come close to what we have as it will have a lot of custom modifications.

We just need to finish some other big web related projects first

Fri Jun 18, 2010, 09:40 AM
After receiving several PM's about the current site and the new version. There will be a heavy focus on both planted aquaria and the keeping of Dwarf Cichlids.

For those that might be wondering, www.plantgeek.net should be back online very soon, it too was a victim of our recent server failure

Fri Jun 18, 2010, 12:20 PM
im down for that.

Interesting to see if we can attract the next future ADA Aquascaping Contest Winner!! Sometime in the foreseeable future im definitely willing to take on the worlds best, Having fun means baking the old noodle & raising the bar in my book :)

Just throwing it out there for the natural progression of things, but how bout throwing in a splash of Vivariums & Paludarium as well.

Fri Jun 18, 2010, 08:46 PM
Hello to all.

All I have to say is thank you for keeping this site active.

Warm regards

Mick aka Oygle2

Wed Jun 30, 2010, 08:45 AM
Keep the forum as it is. If the Betta forum has fallen by the way side incorporate it here. Have a betta section like we have a dwarf cichlid section. Ausfishforum lacks input as everybody has followed the traffic and seeks their general advice elsewhere and thats where its at.

Thu Jul 01, 2010, 04:01 AM
I truly believe if u merged this site I would not have much use for it any more. I have other sites which I frequent for other fish/pets. I only come here because it is one of the premier rescources on the net for DISCUS if I have to go past all this other stuff just to see what I want on here about DISCUS I probably wouldn't bother with this site and go elsewhere. Sorry if that sounds harsh, just tryin' to be honest.

Thu Jul 01, 2010, 04:32 AM
Update upgrade the site.

Leave it as a discus forum and do not merge.

Thu Jul 01, 2010, 04:37 AM
...as per previous

I have pretty much made my mind up about the direction of this site. It will stay focused on Discus, however some additional areas will be opened up to other areas of the aquarium hobby.

Other pets, such as dogs and cats have good forums already out there, so maybe a few strategic links to those sites and leave this place for the fish heads

Aside from Discus there will also be a focus on the following

There will be a heavy focus on both planted aquaria and the keeping of Dwarf Cichlids

Maybe heavy is not the right word to use, however separate areas will be given to these areas.

Now we just need some time to get things done and tested before any change is applied

Thu Jul 01, 2010, 05:25 AM
Let me know if I can help at all. I run a more general free to all aquarium classified site. Ozfishforsale.com.au

But I'm also an avid fish breeder and Discus keeper. That's why I love this place, best discus site around. I'd be happy to help out in whatever way I can mate.

Thu Jul 08, 2010, 06:51 PM
Let me know if I can help mate.

Thu Jul 08, 2010, 11:07 PM
Let me know if I can help mate.

Wowzers... talk about a blast from the past....

Great to hear from you Clotha, and any helps would be greatly appeciated.

I see TFF is going along nicely... do you still have the Cory's site???

Fri Jul 09, 2010, 12:36 AM
Hi Proteus,

I may have missed it in the preceding pages but what is the expected date for the upgrade - whatever form it takes?

Cheers ;)

Fri Jul 09, 2010, 12:40 AM
Hi Proteus,

I may have missed it in the preceding pages but what is the expected date for the upgrade - whatever form it takes?

Cheers ;)

Hopefully very soon...

We have a couple of projects that need to be finished first (other websites) so once they are done, have been tested and deployed on the world wide web then DiscusForums V2.0 will be undertaken.

Fri Jul 09, 2010, 07:35 AM
Let me know if I can help mate.

Wowzers... talk about a blast from the past....

Great to hear from you Clotha, and any helps would be greatly appeciated.

I see TFF is going along nicely... do you still have the Cory's site???

I gave www.corydorasworld.com to Ian Fuller a couple of years ago, made sense as he is the foremost Corydoras expert on the planet, just let me know what you need and if it is within my capabilities I will gladly help.

Wed Jul 14, 2010, 12:37 AM
When is the upgrade scheduled for? I'm really hanging out for it to become mobile friendly (eg tapatalk). I rarely start up the home pc anymore.

Sorry for being a pest, just keen to enjoy the site more.

Wed Jul 14, 2010, 07:09 AM
When is the upgrade scheduled for? I'm really hanging out for it to become mobile friendly (eg tapatalk). I rarely start up the home pc anymore.

Sorry for being a pest, just keen to enjoy the site more.

All I can say is soon, whether that is a few weeks away, or 1-2 months I cant be sure.

I have some really big projects on with work at the moment, plus setting up a new business, there simply is not enough hours in the day.

Next week I should have a clearer idea of time lines, etc, and once locked in an announcement will be made here.


Wed Jul 14, 2010, 01:56 PM
there simply is not enough hours in the dayI sure can relate to that. Good luck wth everything, especially the new business

Thu Jul 15, 2010, 01:01 PM
Two words.... Green Paint :)

Mon Jul 19, 2010, 12:30 PM
I'm struggling to see how 'Discus Forums' can be about anything other than discus.

This has always been a great site and some months ago we looked at a wiki section that was going to reduce the newbie questions that seem to occupy a lot of the forum postings - repeat questions about the same basic topics.

Can we not look at bringing this wiki reference part of the site to life. I realise there is a lot of work in this and am happy to help, but I'm of the view that changinge the nature of the way the forum works and the access to useful infromation will breath new life into what is a great site.

My 2c worth.

Tue Jul 27, 2010, 09:48 AM
All I can say is soon, whether that is a few weeks away, or 1-2 months I cant be sure.

I have some really big projects on with work at the moment, plus setting up a new business, there simply is not enough hours in the day.

Next week I should have a clearer idea of time lines, etc, and once locked in an announcement will be made here.


So do we have an idea, as to what going to happen ??

Tue Jul 27, 2010, 10:26 AM
Lol I'm kinda keener on seeing pets warehouse up and running then the forum update no preassure Ro. Seriously people it will happen when it happens.

Tue Jul 27, 2010, 10:29 AM
Agreed and indeed :)

But it is also good to know what the future holds ;)

Tue Jul 27, 2010, 10:38 AM
If someone can find me an extra 4-8hrs per day, I will be a happy chappy...

Tue Jul 27, 2010, 11:57 AM
If someone can find me an extra 4-8hrs per day, I will be a happy chappy...

Sleep is for the weak!! :lol:

We all appreciate all the hard work the whole admin team is putting in to keeping this forum as good as it is, thanks guys ;)

Love Discus
Thu Aug 05, 2010, 03:54 AM
I think an upgrade would be nice. it would be nice if the posts would be numbered, it would be nice if I could change my avator coment, I dont like "cobalt" or whatever it says, and the join date of a member below the avator. also a user cp option would be nice. I absolutly hate the people on this>>>> website, but I like how all the options. gopednation.com
I kindof had to get into this site to help my kid brother (14) out who lives in another state because someone tried to rip him off on a 20 dollar part. By the way I never really got around to introducing myself, I am 23 dob 7/6/1987. I live in bismarck, north dakota USA. I really love this board, very friendly intellegent, and experienced members.

thanks all, GOD bless!

Love Discus
Thu Aug 05, 2010, 03:55 AM
nvm join date is already there. age and location would be cool.

Thu Aug 05, 2010, 04:36 AM
I think an upgrade would be nice. it would be nice if the posts would be numbered, it would be nice if I could change my avator coment, I dont like "cobalt" or whatever it says

Hi LD,

If you go into your own profile you'll see you can enter your location. It's actually a very useful feature when offering advise or buying/selling.

The "cobalt" you're referring to is merely a measure of the number of post's you've made. New members start out as 'wrigglers' and move up through the different Discus strains as they have more input to the forum. Sort of a theme rather than just the straight out post counter, although that's there too. Personally I think it's a nice touch.

Good to hear your enjoying the forum, and I look forward to seeing more of your input.

Swampy ;)

Sun Sep 19, 2010, 11:16 PM
Lol I'm kinda keener on seeing pets warehouse up and running then the forum update no preassure Ro. Seriously people it will happen when it happens.I know it will happen when it happensJothy, but these days I hardly ever go to forums other than via my iPhone. It makes those forums that aren't mobile compatible less enjoyable (for me) than those that are. It's just my opinion, so feel free to ignore me :)

Mon Sep 20, 2010, 04:35 AM
Mobile friendly will be a priority. Both Pyrowolf and myself have been in Vegas for the past week at a pet and aquarium trade show. Once we get the project we are working on finished, the DF upgrade will be started

Mon Sep 20, 2010, 06:21 AM
yeah DF iPhone app..... awesome idea

Mon Sep 20, 2010, 11:29 AM
I've got two iPhone apps for forums & by far the one I like best is Tapatalk.

Mon Sep 20, 2010, 11:30 AM
I've got two iPhone apps for forums & by far the one I like best is Tapatalk.

Meant to say Tapatalk us also available on other mobile platforms too

Wed Sep 22, 2010, 10:14 PM
I vote we turn it into a porn site for gay chickens on acid

Wed Sep 22, 2010, 10:22 PM
I vote we turn it into a porn site for gay chickens on acid

Hey, I have seen stranger things :wink:

Wed Sep 22, 2010, 10:58 PM
Well, that would add some interest !

Mickey C
Thu Sep 23, 2010, 12:22 AM
I second that vote.

I can access this site alright on my Nokia N95. I have no idea what little app or whatever it might use though sorry. Scrolling is my only issue!

Thu Sep 23, 2010, 12:31 AM
Yes, I can access it ok on my iPhone, but I am forever having to shrink or expand sections, and navigating (eg scrolling etc) is a bit cumbersome. Tapatalk makes navigation simpler. But for it to work, the forum owner must download the free plug-in to activate Tapatalk in your forum.
There are other forum apps out there (I have 2) but I find that Tapatalk works best (for me).

There's some info here about Tapatalk for Nokia N95.

There's lots of other Tapatalk info out there if you google.

Fri Sep 24, 2010, 06:08 AM
Where to start... Well firstly, i guess i am a little depressed about only finding this thread now. Mainly because i feel like I have turned my back on the forum over the last few months, when over the years have received so much help and have met some great people.

Since selling my discus in April due to a big move and shutting my tank down I have only come back every once in a while for a steaky beak. I guess i miss the hobby to much to be here all the time. I guess i have contributed to the lameness of forums in Oz by putting efforts into other areas.

Anyway. I have breezed over all other pages bar the 1st page which i read. I guess my ADD mix of OCD pushed me to reply before reading if there was a verdict.

My view is that a super site would work great BUT it has to be segregated accordingly and effectively- including classifields etc. Nothing worst then shifting through unrelated material to your quest for an answer.

I love all things not speaking human. So broadening the site to handle all interests would be the ultimate one stop shop. And yes TW, I agree on the iphone access aspect.

Anyway, think I read pro saying that it is going to be only aquatic, which is cool too. Think i should go back and read the other pages now.

Fri Sep 24, 2010, 06:27 AM
Just read it all. Dig it. Wish i read it all before replying. By the time i got to my reply I was thinking what dickhead hasn't read the thread.

Great decision on the aqua (discus focused) only with minimal other and the strategic links to other main forums. Based on reponses I agree.

Along with the gay chicken subsite, we need a homaphradite section.

I am rambling again. sorry.

Fri Sep 24, 2010, 08:34 AM
we need a homaphradite section..


Are you talking human or plants ?


Fri Sep 24, 2010, 09:17 AM
Both... In the same area... Side by side. Pictures. We can even include the common reed frog as a guest appearance.

Fri Sep 24, 2010, 09:40 AM
Some of the colours of the reed Frog are really nice :)

Fri Sep 24, 2010, 10:42 AM
Stunning hey!

Fri Sep 24, 2010, 11:22 AM
Indeed , they have a few different types :)

Sun Sep 26, 2010, 04:01 AM
IMO dont change a winning formula.

Discus focus with minor sub sections.

A revamp, with a new design to make it shiny and new is my preference.

Sun Feb 13, 2011, 11:17 AM
how about puting up an auction section sort of like ebay but for fishtank stuff it would be great

Fri Mar 25, 2011, 05:45 PM
It is a shame that the other forums have taken the hit from the global downturn in the fishkeeping hobby. Consolidation would give a larger front for 'a' fish keeping forum, but would it loose the expertise and specific knowledge we now have. Making a large generic forum might just make a larger less used place to be. :?

So true!

Exotic Aquatic
Fri Mar 25, 2011, 11:18 PM
im only new here, but am a long time member on several other forums over the last 8 years. Personally i dont feel that merging is the answer. People find this place and come here for discus specific knowlege and specialised know-how. If we generalize it muddies the waters of who knows what, misinformation will be harder to police. In the end this may result in more stressed fish, and more stressed keepers in the market place, and eventually less hobbyists be it due to frustration or death of their expensive pets at the fault of poor unfiltered advice.

I feel as though there is enough bad advice out there at the moment as it is. Having specialised individual sites allows for closer scrutiny of whats posted, and a higher concentration of experience in a specific field, which in turn will attract more new hobbyists seeking experience, not just a big website.

On another note, the boutique industries in Australia are far more popular these days with the larger department stores suffering both on the share market and in-store sales.

I think you guys are doing a GREAT JOB!!! and that it would be best to stick with it. PLEASE DONT MERGE. I will do my best to get the word out and get more members in, if we all get just one the site will flourish in no time.

Also happy to advertise the forum in our new store opening next month, if the admin cares to send me advertising material...hell i'll even use discusforum bags if we can make them financially viable and recyclable (try to keep it green!).

Exotic Aquatic

Sat Mar 26, 2011, 01:07 AM
As per PM, no sponsorships or advertising is being offered until we get around to upgrading things here.

You, like a few others have been granted permission to post in a commercial manner until such a time comes around that we can re-evaluate this.

The forum will be staying Discus specific, however a few areas will be opened up to other aquatic species, but nothing over the top.

I realize this upgrade has been a long time coming, however a lot has been going on behind the scenes in relation to work and our real lives.

Old Dave
Sat Mar 26, 2011, 05:10 AM
I realize this upgrade has been a long time coming, however a lot has been going on behind the scenes in relation to work and our real lives.

I don't hear anyone complaining about the delay, the gay chickens & ac/dc frogs aren't in a hurry either. :argue

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Just a face-lift and a bit of positional marketing !!
If we have to be a little less exclusive, so be it.
And the expansion into new technology sounds great!!

DiscusForums Rule :thumb :thumb

Old Dave

Exotic Aquatic
Sat Mar 26, 2011, 07:48 AM
Proteus: Love the forum man, i mean only good mate!
I didnt mention sponsorship here or my advertising, and i thank you for your informative PM the other day. I only spoke above in relation to some of the members concerns stated in this thread about more exposure for the site (not me) im happy to promote you in my store (not the other way round) If you so chose.

Happy to do my bit to help.

Sun Mar 27, 2011, 09:16 PM
PS: I must not swim with the school because I dont have facebook, twitter or an iPhone *sigh*hehehe steph. I only recently got an iPhone (contract was up & I lost my old phone - so an upgrade was forced upon me) but I have absolutely no intention of doing facebook or twitter either. So there are at least 2 of us swimming against the school :)

I don't do Facebook or twitter either, but I do have an iPhone and I really wish the forum was mobile friendly. There are several Apps out there that that work. I have a few of them that I use on other forums an IMO, Tapatalk is the best.