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View Full Version : FS: Plants, ADA, Dupla & Misc

Thu Apr 29, 2010, 09:04 AM
Hi all,

Need to cut back more on my hobby unfortunately

1. Brand New ADA Amazonia Normal 9L -$35 Each (2 avail)

2. Used ADA aquasoil pack suitable for 4ft x 2ft base -$180
=> 16kg ADA Amazonia II Normal (2x 9L bag) RRP $62.95 each
=> 15kg ADA Amazonia II Powder (2x 9L bag) RRP $102.95 each
=> ADA Powersand Special (2x 2L bag) RRP $62.95 each
=> Various ADA powders mixed in it
Over $450 worth when purchased brand new, excluding various ADA powders. All this for $180.
7months old just finished drying out & separated.

3. FS: Enthusiast Pack $55 Express Post Included (2 avail)
Condition: Submerged, 10cm stems
Condition for Sale: Fresh cuttings when required
Guarantee: Algae Free, Healthy Arrival Guaranteed!
Pickup/Postage: Express Postage Included
Additional Info: Grown in ADA, All plants are as pictured
8x Rotala sp Green stems
4x Rotala sp Colorata stems (sells for $35 a stem on ebay)
4x Rotala nanjenshan stems
4x Heteranthera zosterifolia stems
4x Ludwigia arcuata stems
4x Ludwigia brevipes stems
4x Rotala macrandra 'Narrow' stems
Additionally, free 1 portion of 1 of the following:
1x GB Taiwan Moss
1x 5x5cm US Fissidens
1x 4x4cm Nano Moss


4. Brand New Dupla Co2 Reaktor 400 - $70
Used Dupla Co2 Reaktor 400 Very good condition in box with all assessories & manual -$40

5. Used Dupla Co2 Reaktor S Like New condition, suitable for over 400L tank -$120

Pickup at Lidcombe or Bankstown welcome
Postage possible for equipments,