View Full Version : Hexamita cure

Sat Apr 17, 2010, 02:07 PM
Hi All

Photos on a thread http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=149646&highlight=hexamita#149646 is exactly what I have exuding from a fish I received in a shipment a week ago. According to all the threads a cure does not appear promising. I am assuming my problem is Hexamita. But I am not using metronidazole. A study on Rainbow Trout and the control of H. salmonica found a number of non Metronidazole based drugs effective against Hexamita. A drug called diethyl carbamazine was used in a food preparation and was 100% effective. http://www.int-res.com/articles/dao/33/d033p051.pdf. I have also found that diethyl carbamazine is used as a dog heart worm preventative and sold as dimmitrol 400mg 100tabs approx $14.00 over the counter in Australia. What does the audience think about this drug. I need to do pathology preps on slides on Monday to possibly diagnose culprit. Hopefully start drug dosage tuesday. Fish not eating so need to use a bath preparation. Metronidazole dosage for food was 5g /kg while diethyl carbamazine 40g/kg. Any suggestions for bath concentration and time.

Dr Dave

Sun Apr 18, 2010, 01:33 AM
keep us posted please....very keen to know the outcome

Sun Apr 18, 2010, 12:42 PM
it might not work at all as abath, metro has limited use as a bath, luckly for us its limitations still result in death of the paracite, looking at your Data it suggests that the concentration needed oraly is 8x the dose of metro, as we know metro is only effective as a bath @ a contration of 25mg/L the logicallal assumption is that to use your alternative you need 200mg/L.

no metro struggles to cross the gills into the blood stream your drug may have a harder or easier job, if it has a harder job then you need to increase the concentration of the bath, if an easier job then reduce, theres no real way to know this without ALOT of trial and error, the best guid would be the molecular weight, a higher molecular weight SHOULD move across the gills SLOWER by diffusion, likewise a lower molecular weight would move faster.

THIS IS STRICKLY SPECULATIVE my adavise would be get metro, dose the water @25mg/L or if ther are eating add it to the food @1g/100g (10g/kg) double the dose listed.