View Full Version : Use of Blackwater Extract
Wed Feb 23, 2005, 04:39 AM
Most of you know my current situation with my new discus in a planted tank.
Im thinking of using Blackwater Extract to maybe give the tank a darker setting, which might make these discus feel a bit more relaxed.
Does anyone advise this or has tried it? Thanks
Wed Feb 23, 2005, 04:46 AM
I don't use a commercial blackwater extract, but all my tanks have a piece of driftwood, and the tannins leeching out of the wood, tint the water a soft brown colour.
I guess this would have the same effect.
Thu Feb 24, 2005, 10:14 PM
"""plus the tannins in your drift wood would be just as effective, will last longer and is more natural.""""
yeah i know you dont , perhaps i should have rephrased that differently.
Guys perhaps im old fashioned but id rather have my water looking crystal clean than tea colour! ive experimented with black water and it really aint that grand!
throw it in the same category as geo liquod IMO,
stick to your carbon filters and regular w/c better result than any extract you could add to your tank
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 03:11 AM
ALright...i dont have driftwood though..haha 8-) Thanks
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 03:37 AM
Louis, try the Blackwater Extract and report back to us on the results.
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 03:47 AM
If your refering to a black water developer then I have been using Bio-Black from aqua force(boronia). Its a natural trace element that contains humic acids and tannin required to form a stable aquarium. I cant stand the tint of tannin from leaching bog wood since mine has been treated but it seems to do the job and stablise the water perfectly.Hope that helps you out.
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 04:12 AM
Thanks for that feedback pitchblack. Have you noticed any difference in your fish. Did it help your fish settle into a new tank, or are they calmer than before.
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 07:07 AM
Cheers Ladyred!!!! Since I have been using it my fish don't tend to get the black stress marks as frequent as before. I buy it in 1 ltr containers for about 30 bucks. Seems to to the job perfectly. The fish seem more relaxed I don't have the brown tea coloured water which I can't stand and the fish love it all in all a winner. Oh by the way you didnt get back to me in regards to some of those fish you wanted to sell if you still have any.
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 07:24 AM
Oops :oops: Me bad. You have mail.
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 03:47 PM
Discus DO very much enjoy the soothing affects of humus/humics in the water... [Providing this additional nutrient to the water also has a buffering affect on water chemistry and also aids slime production (very important for breeding Discus and food supply from slime coat to fry.).]. These of course are simply decayed (broken down) vegitave matter and can be accomplished through a planted tank (takes some time to establish), soaking 'peat moss', even something as simple as dead leaves in a porus bag hung in the tank or filter....
I personally use Tetra 'Blackwater Extract', simply because I have had excellent success with it over the last few decades and it is easily applied as desired (my usual application is about every 3rd water change...) whenever I wish to supplement..
I also use Kent's Discus Essentials on a monthly basis (at least)..
Believe most folks who use it or experiment with it's use will find better appetite (if that is possible with healthy, more activity, higher color tones and brightness and a higher rate of spawning and even larger spawns and higher hatch rates..
Noticed someone had said "I do not like the color it leaves in the water, I like crystal clear tank." (not an exact quote).... Very few "NATURAL" Discus waters (Speaking of Amazon of course) are Crystal clear. I would think serious Discus keepers would prefer whatever is BEST for the fish rather than what is prefered by the keeper... BUT opinions vary.. :? :wink:
Fri Feb 25, 2005, 09:15 PM
Your statement ""Very few "NATURAL" Discus waters (Speaking of Amazon of course) are Crystal clear I would think serious Discus keepers would prefer whatever is BEST for the fish rather than what is prefered by the keeper..""
Majesticaquatic If i was keeping wilds I would agree with you and try and imitate the natural envrionment.
However us "Serious" discus keepers realise that our fish are born and bread in tanks generation after generation mostly from Asia were water conditions are nothing like the amazon. Ive never seen discus farms use tanin or black water extract in my life. Why?? coz they dont need too.
Our tap water in australia ( Victoria ) is naturaly extremely soft and Ideal for discus straight out of the tap. The same applies to the water of some part of asia ,,penang the location of many good discus farms.
I have spoken to many discus breeders, suppliers and hobbyists and you will find that as long as your w/C routine is good, your water supply does the trick than adding "stuff"" really isnt going change much anyway.
Majority of discus keepers prefer keeping there fish in clean water environments not TEa colour as you put it. They are a display fish that should be shown off for what they are,,, the king of the aquriam. :D
Sat Feb 26, 2005, 02:51 AM
Black water extract = waste of money. but hey it won't do any harm either.
Sat Feb 26, 2005, 03:43 AM
thats a nice way of putting it Rod lol
Sat Feb 26, 2005, 11:42 PM
WHY do you feel that there is such a BIG difference between Wild and Tank bred ?????? :?:
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