View Full Version : Bitaeniata Spawn :D

Wed Apr 14, 2010, 05:54 AM
Woo Hoo, yesterday my bitaeniata "blue" female was out with fry in the tank. From what I can see there are about 30 or so of them and doing great.

pH - below 6 (been meaning to pick up a low range pH test kit for some time now...)
KH - 1dKH (or) 17.9ppm
GH - 3dGH (or) 53.7ppm
temp - 25-26

using tap water aged in a plastic barrel. Nothing but dechlorinator added. spawned in a planted AR510 approx. 75-80L. Aquasoil used. cave was a halved coconut shell. I don't think I have any further info that's really useful...

Pic was the best I could get with my phone. I SERIOUSLY have to get a REAL camera... but at least you can see the mum and fry huddled in the bottom corner of the tank behind the sponge filter.

Wed Apr 14, 2010, 08:41 AM
well it never rains it pours heh heh heh

Well done Kristina :-) more cause for celebration that the OF but thats only my opinion. And you beat me to it ya' rascal - I ain't bred mine yet but... seeing how the males & females are segregated this is to be expected heh heh heh.

try taking some water from the bitaeniata tank and pouring this into your trifasciata tank - juts might spur your male on.

hmm, I have never had sucess posting a MW culture but I might have to give it another for for Steph & yourself

take care

Wed Apr 14, 2010, 11:07 AM
congrats kristina! i hope to be not too far behind you! get a real camera!!

Wed Apr 14, 2010, 10:04 PM
Yeah I need a real camera pretty badly...