Tue Apr 13, 2010, 05:43 AM
Surplus ADA substrates used for approx 4months. More than enough to fill a 60cmx45cm base with 8cm back sloping to 5cm deep front. $60
1. Equal portion of ADA Amazonia II Powder
2. Equal portion of ADA Amazonia Normal
3. Small portion of ADA Powersand M
All soils are separated into their appropriate size NOT mixed. Completely dried NOT soggy. ADA Amazonia Normal contained appropriate ADA powders and small amount of Powersand S.
Used UP AquaSoil with a small portion of ADA Aquasoil, came with a tank i purchased.
16Kg of UP Aquasoil Each (approx 2x 9L bags) - 3 Portions Available $50 Each, or $120 the Lot
Completely dried and ready to use
Pickup Welcome,
Bankstown or Lidcombe NSW
Surplus ADA substrates used for approx 4months. More than enough to fill a 60cmx45cm base with 8cm back sloping to 5cm deep front. $60
1. Equal portion of ADA Amazonia II Powder
2. Equal portion of ADA Amazonia Normal
3. Small portion of ADA Powersand M
All soils are separated into their appropriate size NOT mixed. Completely dried NOT soggy. ADA Amazonia Normal contained appropriate ADA powders and small amount of Powersand S.
Used UP AquaSoil with a small portion of ADA Aquasoil, came with a tank i purchased.
16Kg of UP Aquasoil Each (approx 2x 9L bags) - 3 Portions Available $50 Each, or $120 the Lot
Completely dried and ready to use
Pickup Welcome,
Bankstown or Lidcombe NSW