View Full Version : Help Please

Mon Apr 12, 2010, 01:28 AM
Hey Guys,

Ive got two x pairs of discus what I think are both suffering from illness.

1st Pair are breathing normally but seem very slow and don’t seem to have an appetite.

While the

2nd pair are eating like pigs but are breathing heavily.

Guys what meds do you recommend. I do 50% water changes weekly (same water conditions as in the tank). So I would like meds to dose the whole tank.

Im assuming the 1st pair have an internal parasite while im not sure about the 2nd pair.

Would really appreciate some feedback.



Tue Apr 13, 2010, 10:23 PM
I wouldn't go putting in meds. Are these fish all in the same tank?. You need to up the water changes to at least twice a week. We need some more info on your tank set up, water paras, temp, tank size? How long have you had these fish?