Fri Apr 09, 2010, 02:15 AM
G'day from Sydney,
I am new to Discus and infact aquariums (Discus 6 weeks, others 1year).
My tank is 200ltrs planted and has 7 discus, 2 Angles, 5 tetras and 2 upside-down catfish. Other equipment: Eihm 2226 canister, 36W Jebo UV, heaters, air stones, PH and ORP digital meter.
I have learned a lot from this forum in the last few weeks browsing the posts. Thank you...
I am new to Discus and infact aquariums (Discus 6 weeks, others 1year).
My tank is 200ltrs planted and has 7 discus, 2 Angles, 5 tetras and 2 upside-down catfish. Other equipment: Eihm 2226 canister, 36W Jebo UV, heaters, air stones, PH and ORP digital meter.
I have learned a lot from this forum in the last few weeks browsing the posts. Thank you...