View Full Version : A. agassizi fry dying

Sun Mar 28, 2010, 11:22 PM
Hi All

My A. agassizi alenquer produced a lovely cloud of fry (40+) on 16 March and they seemed to be doing a great job, with minimal parental aggression, then suddnely 6 days post free swimming I noticed that there were only a small number of fry, and i could even see a dead one floating in the water, the next day they were all gone. :(

I have no idea why ?

Thoughts to date are father ate them or they starved or something was wrong with the water ?

Temp 26C
Water is pure rainwater, hardness measures at about 20ppm, I dont have the pH but it will be on the acidic side (too low??)

The tank is a 60cm x 30 x30 and the only fish in it are the aggies. There was no obvious aggression between the male and female apart from a little tail waving. The tank is only about 2 months old, small sponge filter, about 50 litres and I do 20% water changes twice a week. There is some leaf litter and drift wood and a few plants not as much as I would like. I was feeding some decapsulated brine shrimp eggs but not daily as well as small sinking food for the adults. In the past the baenschi fry I have raised, just seemed to have thrived on picking at the micro organisms in their tank and havent required huge amounts of additional feeding.

Any thoughts/advice would be really appreciated.

Thanks Steph

PS: Have also posted this on apistogramma.com for those who frequent both boards.

Thu Apr 01, 2010, 11:41 AM
Sometimes shit happens - first spawn - give them another go.....