View Full Version : F/S Equipment, Fish and Shrimp

Tue Mar 23, 2010, 01:08 AM
1. Type of fish: Long Nose Whiptails
2. Size (SL or TL - Specify) : Approximately 17cm each
3. Sex (if unknown then state so):2 Unknown
4. Qty available: 2
5. If a pair/trio/colony then state if they've bred before or not: have not bred
6. Price: $80
7. Photo (if fish involved) Will be provided at a later date
8. Location : Fairfield
9. Shipping available or not: No
10. Contact information (PM/email/phone/etc)PM

I am selling the following:
CRS - 12 for $50
CBS (brownish looking) - 10 for $70
Grade = B & C's

Nitrate reactor with heaps of deniballs and bioballs - $160 ono

The reactor was bought from guppy and a link has been attached:
I bought a box for about 80$ and have only used a few balls.

Sun Mar 28, 2010, 12:40 PM
Nitrate filter still for sale: price drop to 150 including deniballs.