View Full Version : Are discus for me?

Tue Mar 16, 2010, 01:48 AM

I'm looking to start a 4x2x2 planted (low tech) discus (4 or 5 discus probably juvies) tank with cory's, 'root' style wood, large amazon swords and some sandy areas for the cories with a ehiem 2217 with diy spray bar for filtration. But I'm really not sure if discus are for me. I have the time to look after the water on a regular basis etc but don't want to jeopardise the health of my scaly friends - some people say they are hard to keep and some say they are easy. And I see a lot of posts about fish being skittish and dying of unknown reasons.

Or why did you get into discus? what about them do you enjoy?


Tue Mar 16, 2010, 02:23 AM
Hi azman
The only person that can answer that question is you.
Discus require very clean water conditions. You need to do at least 30% to 40% water change twice a week, some do this every second day.

With a planted set up like you have i would go for adults rather then juvies .Juvies are better off in a bare bottom tank where you can feed them 4 or 5 times a day with daily water changes to grow them out to there full potentual.

Discus dont die for no reason .they only die if they have a something wrong with them i.e diesese or they are living in poor water conditions .

Read as much from this forum as you can ask alot of questions as there are alot of people here willing to help you .

Tue Mar 16, 2010, 02:57 AM
You'll get 1000 opinions about frequently and how many % of water you need to change. I do 50% water once a week due to my work commitments and my Discus are all happy, healthy and pairing off to breed.
I guess as long as you keep up good routine for water, and use quality food after A LOT OF HOMEWORK you'll be fine.
The point about juvies vs adults is correct. To grow them to their best, juvies need a lot of food and even more clean water. Maybe try sub-adult.
Good luck :wink: