View Full Version : Stomach Bulged & Breathing Unusually

Tue Feb 23, 2010, 09:11 AM
Dear All

i have introduced 3 pairs of discuss (2 inch size) 2 weeks back to my planted tank. Though all discus have still not started taking food (BHM) are active and in good health except one. The one which is not active remain in a corner or between leafs and moves very slowly and often hit against plants and side walls as if it cannot see them.

After looking carefully i have noticed that its stomach is bulged and slightly pointed on both sides and is breathing unusually than the existing ones. I have noticed this only last week. What is wrong!.

Other than the newly introduced discus i have 1 existing pair (Over 6 Months) of Red Melon which are eating normally and are healthy.

Tank Details:
Size: 3.5 Ft x 1.5 Ft x 2.0 Ft (LxBxH)
Type: Planted (3 Year+)
Lighting: 75W x 2
Photoperiod: 8 Hrs.
Pressurised CO2
Water Change: Alternative Days (50%)

Fish Details:
Discus - Red Maps: 2 Nos.
Discus - Leapord: 2 Nos.
Discus - Blue Diamond 2 Nos.
Discus - Red Melon: 2 Nos.

Heliqueen: 6 Nos.
Sarpae Tetra: 6 Nos.
Red Eye Tetra: 4 Nos.
Ottos: 10 Nos.
Shrimps: Plenty