View Full Version : Fungus growing on discus

Thu Feb 18, 2010, 09:46 PM
i purchased a red cover discus from Melbourne last saturday and he is in quartine at the moment. Over the last 2 to 3 days white fungus has grown on parts of his body and this morning i have noticed a spot on his eye. I treated the tank with multi cure as thats the only product i can get in my town and added some salt. I have ordered some protozin and will arrive on Tuesday. Any suggestions on what has caused this or what to do????

Cheers Axl

Thu Feb 18, 2010, 10:24 PM
change in water conditions causes stress to the fish, once stressed, immunity drops and infection gets in, if it is fungus protozin at 2x the bottle dose for 3-4 days works very well, adding salt at 1tsp/20L during tratment also helps.

try and maintain super good water quality and bump your temp up to 30C, this will give the immune system a chance to get ontop of the infection.