Tue Feb 09, 2010, 05:54 AM
Am setting up some more tanks for breeding and am after some of the following:
- Endlers guppies or dwarf pencil fish for dithers
- low light plants , eg crypts and moss (I cant believe I ditched a whole heap before Christmas!), or anything else lowlight/lowtech
- microworm culture
- Red Cherry Shrimp ~ 20 of them
Im in Newtown. NSW so would prefer to pickup near Inner West.
PM me...
- Endlers guppies or dwarf pencil fish for dithers
- low light plants , eg crypts and moss (I cant believe I ditched a whole heap before Christmas!), or anything else lowlight/lowtech
- microworm culture
- Red Cherry Shrimp ~ 20 of them
Im in Newtown. NSW so would prefer to pickup near Inner West.
PM me...