View Full Version : White stool

Tue Feb 02, 2010, 02:11 PM

I have a young discus, probably 3-4months old, has been passing white stool.

At the first time i found the problem, i gave a salt bath and raised the temp to 34'c for 5 days. The fish seems to be recoverd and passed normal dark stool. The the problem recurred few days after the treatment. At the second time, i feed with metro mixed bh mix for 5 days without rasing the temp (at 27'c). The problem was fixed, however, recur again few days after the metro treatment.

I do more than 50% water change everyday and the fish doesnt lose its appettite throughout the treatments, even when it is passing white stool. The pH was kept at the range of 5.5 to 6.5 before and after w/c respectively.KH and GH are both below 1. I didnt check the ammonium and nitrite level since it is expected to be a low level as there are massive w/c everyday.

What do i need to do now? Is that a GI infection and antibiotics should be adminstrated?

Thx a lot!


Mr Wild
Wed Feb 03, 2010, 11:07 AM

Do you feed alot of bloodworm? It can be their casings but I would expect their stool to be brown with white areas unless you are feeding the exclusively only bloodworms.

Can you tell us what you feed them?

I always treat metro for 12 days, once a day and do not raise temp. Has always worked for me. HTH

Wed Feb 03, 2010, 05:08 PM
I feed them bloodworms once or twice daily. Beefheart mix twice and about sixth times of testra bites by a automatic feeder.
The sickening fish passes long white stool with little or no brown content. Do u think I need a longer course of metro?

Thu Feb 04, 2010, 04:03 AM
It sounds like worms to me :wink: :wink:

Thu Feb 04, 2010, 08:45 AM
id try to worm the fish, discus seem to really do better with regular worming (every 6 months or so)

Fri Feb 05, 2010, 11:04 AM
Metro have already been tried as a mixed feed for 5days. Do I repeat the course of treatment or anyting else? I'm worrying about drug resistance matter for frequent antibiotic Rx.

Btw, I have collected some stool sample that were examined under mircoscope. I dun see anyting looks like parasite or any eggs of them.

Fri Feb 05, 2010, 10:58 PM
Sometimes after a worming treatment the fish can pass their stomach lining. This also looks like a white poo. The poo you describe sounds like this, almost 'jelly like'
Is the fish still eating ?

Sun Feb 07, 2010, 09:21 AM
Hi Hollowman

The fish is always eating, even when it is passing white jelly like stool. I didn't metro it again but adding salt & rasing temp again. This time the fish was with great stress & became restless. So the treatment this time was lasted for 2days only. The fish however looks better now. I dun see any white poo in the tank but I'm not sure if it has stopped white poo or the poo is filtrated b4 I notice it. Anyways , it's still eating but the growth is relatively slow.