View Full Version : I call a thief a thief.... funny
Thu Jan 21, 2010, 07:45 AM
Yet another example of good business practices from someone who has no idea. Not only did they steal the images, they hot-linked them to the site they are from... plus copied the description right down to hidden algorithms in the text...
LINK 1 (
I wonder how long before someone gets the message...
Thu Jan 21, 2010, 07:59 AM
and for laughs in the future....
Thu Jan 21, 2010, 09:33 AM
LMAO got him mate!
Dangerous Dave
Thu Jan 21, 2010, 11:17 AM
Awesome.........very impressive
Old Dave
Fri Jan 22, 2010, 10:54 AM
Looks like it will stay that way at least until the 28th.. :lol: :lol:
Old Dave
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 02:47 AM
Homophobia is offensive.
As a founder of a website with many members you should know better.
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 02:52 AM
Homophobia is offensive.
As a founder of a website with many members you should know better.
Wake up, if it was meant to be offensive it would have been much more direct, plus the image was sourced from google
It is thin skinned people that screw things up for the MAJORITY, words can be manipulated, just leave it for what it is, a tongue in cheek comment.
All this political correctness stuff is pathetic. Did I create the image? NO, it was found on google images and is on no less than 100 other websites, I simply renamed the file...
Was that photo used on the other website? NO... judgement went with a more professional image.
What is funny is 3-4 of my friends who are openly gay had NO problem at all with the image, and actually had a laugh at it.
It is a figure of speech, not a directive comment or association
...and since you have taken such offence to such an image it has been removed :roll:
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 03:22 AM
Thank you, I realise that your comments were in no way malicious.
It's not the image that I take offense to at all, but the context within which the word gay was used.
On my part, It's not about being politically correct (if you knew me you'd hardly accuse me of that) more about being sick and tired of being constantly reminded that being in the minority means that I am treated as a second class citizen.
People tend to use the word gay negatively with no intended malice to the gay community, and without thinking about how this reinforces and perhaps justifies homophobia for less enlightened people.
Just recently a teacher at a university was telling me how they had referred to something as gay in class - meaning that it was crap - and when I took issue with it they told me that it was OK because one of the students in the class was gay and thought it was funny.
Just because there are gay people who are not politically aware enough to take offence at their lifestyle being synonymous with crap, or lame, or weak, or pathetic doesn't make it OK to carry on using the word in that context.
I don't worry about myself - I am far from thin skinned, and I have enough life experience to know that people say things that they don't mean all the time.
I do care that there are young gay guys and girls out there who live in fear of coming out - sometimes to the point of taking their own lives - because they think that everyone they know would hate them if they knew: Because to be gay is synonymous in common language with being weak, pathetic, an idiot and whatever else the word is used as a space saver for.
I'm sorry to highjack a thread that I realise was intended to be a light hearted joke. It's just an issue that I feel very strongly about.
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 03:49 AM
Thank you, I realise that your comments were in no way malicious.
It's not the image that I take offense to at all, but the context within which the word gay was used.
In fairness, whilst I felt there was nothing too sinister about the image, all it took was one comment with a concern and the image was gone, I might be stubborn, but I also consider myself to be fair.
I do care that there are young gay guys and girls out there who live in fear of coming out - sometimes to the point of taking their own lives - because they think that everyone they know would hate them if they knew: Because to be gay is synonymous in common language with being weak, pathetic, an idiot and whatever else the word is used as a space saver for.
I am very familiar with the site you have mentioned, I have it bookmarked for a totally separate reason.
As some people here know I have, and do suffer from severe depression, and for many years I refused to get any help, or even acknowledge that it was an issue, even though I had driven away almost every friend and contact I had. There is not much more I want to say on the issue other than I fully respect your last statement. I know there is a lot of help out there, and little things like the image that has been removed might just be the trigger for someone to go south, hence why I had no hesitation in getting it offline.
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 04:03 AM
Thanks Proteus,
I can see that you're one of the enlightened ones who make the world a better place for the rest of us...
Especially as you set up such an awesome site that I have visited almost daily for 2-3 years!
Keep up the good work! I know you meant no harm, and your speedy response is admirable.
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 10:12 AM
Homophobia is offensive.
As a founder of a website with many members you should know better.
Very very VERY sorry but i feel i must state here openly, that I have I have SERIOUS objections to political correctness, as all who have ever interected with me will know.
anybody has the right to be offended but I reserve my right not to care.
please to everyone one in the world and on the web learn to take things with a grain of salt and lighten up.
seriously mate if it was my site people were stealing off i would have put ALOT worse on there then the fat guy pic.
just my 2c will get off my rant box.
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 02:16 PM
just my 2c will get off my rant box.
2c coins were pretty gay
Sun Jan 24, 2010, 10:01 PM
Homophobia is offensive.
As a founder of a website with many members you should know better.
If you look hard enough I'm sure you'll find anti PC comment in anything.. I REALLY think you need to lighten up. Everyone's aware the gay community has been the brunt of insensitive comment/actions by others. This is a forum for fish keeping not a political soapbox to further political agendas. If you can see that he meant no harm then what's the prob??
And that's my 2c
Mon Jan 25, 2010, 08:29 AM
just my 2c will get off my rant box.
2c coins were pretty gay
I almost wet my pants. :lol:
I hope i havent offended anyone with a bladder control issue.
Old Dave
Tue Jan 26, 2010, 09:28 AM
I'm sure he meant 2x 1c coins worth.
1 chance in 4 for 2x heads!! :twisted:
So how many of the other sites 100 odd sites carrying the image got the same treatment?
jm 2/- worth, :wink:
Old Dave
Tue Jan 26, 2010, 09:20 PM
Settle down everyone - I'm hardly a PC terrorist coming to rob you of your rights to free speech... :)
I'm just a discus keeper like the rest of you - and as you say Swampy, this is a fish forum, not a political rally...
I was just adding a bit of balance to the mix and standing up for what I believe in, that's all!
Hope you all had a great Australia Day!
(not sure I understand your meaning dave - is this a veiled 2up reference?)
Tue Jan 26, 2010, 10:44 PM
Settle down everyone - I'm hardly a PC terrorist coming to rob you of your rights to free speech... :)
I'm just a discus keeper like the rest of you - and as you say Swampy, this is a fish forum, not a political rally...
I was just adding a bit of balance to the mix and standing up for what I believe in, that's all!
Hope you all had a great Australia Day!
(not sure I understand your meaning dave - is this a veiled 2up reference?)
LOL just having a dig mate all good :)
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 07:54 AM
I think that a some people really need to eat a bowl of concrete and harden the f#@% up. Is it just me or are most people ridiculously thin skinned these days???
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 09:38 AM
I think that a some people really need to eat a bowl of concrete and harden the f#@% up. Is it just me or are most people ridiculously thin skinned these days???
After eating said bowl of concrete, I would imagine your mouth would be quite a mess and anything but hardened up. More like a mushy, toothy bloody pulp.
I prefer the teaspoon of cement. Sure it's dry and bland on the pallet but it does the job. :wink: :lol:
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 11:25 AM
I think that a some people really need to eat a bowl of concrete and harden the f#@% up. Is it just me or are most people ridiculously thin skinned these days???
Oh yeah, remember the good old days when black and white children didn't have to swim in the same pools; when you could call your slave a n****r; when women stayed at home and didn't have to worry about who to vote for; when you could visit asylums and laugh at the crazy people...
Personally, I think its better to have to deal with a few 'thin skinned' people getting p***d off now and then if it means that we get to live in a world where people treat each other with a little bit more respect...
And on the point of hardening up - Don't you think it takes a tougher person to stand up for themselves rather than just take whatever you throw at them?
Oops, there I am on my soap box again... You'll probably all hang me out to dry for this one :lol:
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 12:16 PM
You'll probably all hang me out to dry for this one :lol:
:lol: :lol: Nah good on ya for having a go. I think deep down this is a really light hearted thread even though it has strayed away from the original point.
On another note, today I was called a "Captain Cook C***" by a friendly Cairns local who seemed to take offense at the fact that I wasn't a smoker and couldn't lend him a lungbuster.
I took it as a compliment to be compared to an Explorer and expert marine navigator and quickly made my exit from the public toilet where he was sleeping.
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 07:43 PM
People need to stand up for them selves when is warranted, not start to carry on every chance they get. Pretty much everything can be misconstrued or taken out of of context.
It has now become ridiculous. Whats the world coming to when i cant were a cap int he bank while others can walk in with their face and head completely covered or i can start up a "men only club" but there are plenty of "women only" gyms and pools around. Everybody is so afraid of of offending someone else that now days no one can speak their mind or express their opinion lest they be called racist or sexist or ........... Have you noticed how when the police describe somebody they are looking for they no longer use terms like "of middle eastern appearance" as apparently thats racist. Call a spade a spade i say.
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 09:25 PM
"Captain Cook C***" That's a good one! :lol:
Ado - I'm not sure, but I don't think that wearing a cap is a religious observance.
and as it happens there are plenty of men only clubs - but I have a feeling that I wouldn't find you in there :wink:
One of the great things about living in a free country is that we can speak our minds and express our opinions, and that we have the right to challenge others if we disagree!
If you do say something and it offends someone just apologise and move on....
Wed Jan 27, 2010, 11:01 PM
and as it happens there are plenty of men only clubs - but I have a feeling that I wouldn't find you in there :wink:
I dont descriminate..... I take the piss out of everybody..... :shock:
Thu Jan 28, 2010, 09:14 AM
Seriously mate, everyone's entitled to stand up for their rights, but I think there are far better places to have your point heard. I don't think a bunch of people interested in fish is the best audience.
Old Dave
Thu Jan 28, 2010, 09:22 AM
Back to the original problem.
I wonder how long before someone gets the message...
Today was the day, check out the properties of the image.
But where was it sourced?? :roll:
Old Dave
Thu Jan 28, 2010, 09:44 AM
The PSA image and Seachem logo which were being hotlinked from the PSA server have been removed.
The product images for several products have been ripped off the PSA site, all PSA images are 250x250 .jpg's, however, what is funny is there is a watermark interlaced in the image, i.e. not visible, however can be shown if required for breach of copyright.
At the end of the day, they are manufacturer supplied images, so nothing to lose sleep over.
Another funny point for those that are up to speed with html and php. There are several ways of defining such terms as 'TM' 'R' 'C' etc, normally if just copied from a html source, the underlying code
& trade; "™" 'TM' is lost, plus, a lot of coders use other shortcuts, or just simply the letters in an elevated font, so to have identical descriptions, aside from getting it from the source code from the manufacturer (which very few people do, they just copy off the web page) it has been ripped off another site...
Sorry for boring most of you, I get a bit carried away when it comes to code jargon...
I do love this image (this was the refined version which was live for over 2 days)
Thu Jan 28, 2010, 09:48 AM
still makes me chuckle everytime i read it :)
Fri Feb 12, 2010, 01:20 AM
"Loud Noises"
Fri Feb 12, 2010, 01:27 AM
"Loud Noises"
In the words of the great Pauline...
"Please Explain..."
Sat Feb 20, 2010, 12:00 PM
Thats too funny Ro ....
Andre's rides again ....
Sat Feb 20, 2010, 08:14 PM
Stealing images.... it happens...
But hotlinking from another site.... Mwhahaha
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