Fri Jan 15, 2010, 10:43 AM
Im in the process of closing down yet another tank, so the following are available:
1. Golf Ball Java Moss - $5
2. Golf Ball Christmas Moss - $15
3. Golf Ball Flame Moss - $15
4. Golf Ball Taiwan Moss - $15
5. 5x5cm Fissiden fontanus - $15
6. Golf Ball Stringy Moss - $20
7. Golf Ball Peacock Moss - $20
8. Golf Ball Willow Moss - $20
9. 3x3cm Nano Moss - $25
10. ½ Golf Ball Mini Xmas Moss - $25
11. 2cm Marimo Balls - $20
12. Narrow Leaf A - $20
13. Narrow Leaf B - $35
14. Narrow Leaf C - $20
15. Narrow Leaf D - $20
16. Narrow Leaf E - $20
17. Narrow Leaf F - $15
18. Narrow Leaf G - $15
19. Narrow Leaf H - $45
20. Narrow Leaf I - $35
21. Bolbitis Fern J - $20
Please use the A4 white paper pictured as size reference
22. Extra Large, Fully Attached Bolbitis/Windelov/Narrow Leaf/Xmas Moss on Branchy Driftwood. Suits atleast 4x1.5x2ft high size tank Only. Measurement approx 70cm x 45cm x 30cm high. $120 Pick Up Only.
23. Crinum calamistratum (6 Leaves approximately 60cm long) $100
More plants Will be added soon
Discounts may apply for multiple purchases
Express postage AUST WIDE Only: $10
Im in the process of closing down yet another tank, so the following are available:
1. Golf Ball Java Moss - $5
2. Golf Ball Christmas Moss - $15
3. Golf Ball Flame Moss - $15
4. Golf Ball Taiwan Moss - $15
5. 5x5cm Fissiden fontanus - $15
6. Golf Ball Stringy Moss - $20
7. Golf Ball Peacock Moss - $20
8. Golf Ball Willow Moss - $20
9. 3x3cm Nano Moss - $25
10. ½ Golf Ball Mini Xmas Moss - $25
11. 2cm Marimo Balls - $20
12. Narrow Leaf A - $20
13. Narrow Leaf B - $35
14. Narrow Leaf C - $20
15. Narrow Leaf D - $20
16. Narrow Leaf E - $20
17. Narrow Leaf F - $15
18. Narrow Leaf G - $15
19. Narrow Leaf H - $45
20. Narrow Leaf I - $35
21. Bolbitis Fern J - $20
Please use the A4 white paper pictured as size reference
22. Extra Large, Fully Attached Bolbitis/Windelov/Narrow Leaf/Xmas Moss on Branchy Driftwood. Suits atleast 4x1.5x2ft high size tank Only. Measurement approx 70cm x 45cm x 30cm high. $120 Pick Up Only.
23. Crinum calamistratum (6 Leaves approximately 60cm long) $100
More plants Will be added soon
Discounts may apply for multiple purchases
Express postage AUST WIDE Only: $10