View Full Version : FS (Melb) Apistogramma
Thu Jan 07, 2010, 09:06 AM
$30 a pair A. cacatuoides triple reds
$55 a pair A. trifasciata
$45 a pair A. juruensis
Fri Jan 08, 2010, 02:19 AM
gday Hassles.
Do you know if shipping would be available?? in tassie so that presents another problem in terms of our stupid quarantine system!! :(
Fri Jan 08, 2010, 04:55 AM
gday Hassles.
Do you know if shipping would be available?? in tassie so that presents another problem in terms of our stupid quarantine system!! :(
shipping ? of course, I have been to the airport twice this week as it is. Tasmania ? sorry, can't do Tasmania. The strict import laws pertaining to Tasmania are one of the reasons Tasmania has less disease and pests than we do on the mainland and thats great. Getting some Apistos to you is definately possible but.... its gonna require some mucking around. Best of you call me
we'll have to arrange for Bayfish to quarantine my fish, & supply your LFS most probably IF possible. However if we succedd with this concept I would suggest arranging as many species as you can.
Have you tried hassling, I mean really hassling you LFS to speak with Bayfish and see what they've got ? they seem to be getting a 'few' apistos in on a regular basis at present. This is where "most" of mine come from.
take care
Fri Jan 08, 2010, 05:26 AM
How much is shipping to Sydney?
Fri Jan 08, 2010, 09:15 AM
How much is shipping to Sydney?
Shipping to Sydney varies between $29 and $31 - well thats the extreme of all parcels sent thus far. Freight is airport to airport so you will need to collect the parcel from the AAE depot at Sydney Airport.
Fish are double bagged (a few drops of Stress Guard added) and shipped in a foam carton.
I also have some A.steindachneri (not genderable at this point) and some mature A. gibbiceps
The A.huascar are growing well and may be available by Easter.
take care
Sat Jan 09, 2010, 06:48 AM
thx for that hassles.
thats great, ill probably be in touch with you in the next few days. ...aswell as seeing wat my LFS can do for me.
thanks again
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