View Full Version : Discus paracites and catfish help?

Thu Jan 07, 2010, 12:27 AM
Hi all
about 12 months ago we bought some discus not knowing much about them. Through the help of this forum we worked out that they had paracites, i think it was tapeworm. After treating them many times with aquamaster fluke and tapeworm meds they got better - its now been 3 months since the last treatment and they are going great.

During that time they were breifly in the tank with our pepps, and i suspect that they may have caught the paracite off the discus. The symptoms were not eating as much, some of their poo was curly looking, and their fins were looking freyed. I have treated them with the AM tapeworm meds according to the label, and they appear to get better for a couple of months, ie they eat better, fins come back too 100%, but then it seems to happen again.

Does anyone have any suggestions of what i can treat them with to clean them right out?

Thu Jan 07, 2010, 06:29 AM
Sounds like a water problem to me, not parasite. Check your water parameters first

Thu Jan 07, 2010, 10:40 PM
fin damage sugests water quality my first thought is too low a ph peps dont do well below 5.0 infact they do 10x better at 5.5 then at 5.0 as Steve said double check your parameters and get back to us.

Fri Jan 08, 2010, 02:22 AM
ok, thanks for the reply guys, will get it checked