View Full Version : Lip damage from fighting.

Mon Jan 04, 2010, 11:03 PM
Having trouble with discus fighting in comunity tank. A couple have had lip damage and does not seem to heal. Usualy the bigest fish. I have tried a salt treatment,isolation,etc but wont heal. The first one ended up with ulcer type sores,not eating and eventualy died. Can anyone sugest a treatment that may work.

Mon Jan 04, 2010, 11:10 PM
Can you give more info on your set up, numbers of fish, sizes, tankmates, water change regime, parameters, bare or planted

Initially, good, clean, aged water is the first med to use.

Tue Jan 05, 2010, 01:03 AM
All paramaters are fine, 30%water change weekly, was 4 large discas and 4 small angles,2 clown loach and 3 BN. in a 200 lt.tank, with filtration at 1200 lts per hour. Planted tank and have been in the tank for about 1 year. Hope this helps.

Tue Jan 05, 2010, 07:53 AM
I hear that all the time that 'my water parameters are fine', but it means generally that people do not test or do not know. SO exactly what are they.

The other thing I would say right off the bat is 'over stocked' this will add to agression, bigger water changes at least twice a week will lower stress. Clown loaches also add to stress, too skittish to ever be with discus imo.

Look after your water, lower stock levels and you may get rid of the agression.



Mon Jan 11, 2010, 12:27 AM
The white discoloration is usually a sign of infection, the most common is mouth fungus which is caused by bacteria, myaxin by water life works very well but i sugest using it a 2x the bottle dose. at a double dose its quite dangerous to loaches and BN's so i'd treat in a seperate tank. a standard 2 footer will do for treatment just try and do massive changes 2-3 a week and redose the meds after each change (try and keep it at 2x the dose on the bottle.

As Steve has said your a little overstocked if you have to treat in the main tank try stepping up your water changes, if you can manage it 50% to 60% 2x a week till the injury heals. you can add a little salt to ease the stress on the fish. The idea is to keep your nitrate below detectable limit of a test kit (below 5ppm) the clean water will go along way to helping your fish recover.

If its been a few days though you might have to medicate.

in the long run I'd move out the clown loaches and put in something smaller like dwarf chain loaches for snail controle also think about moving on the angels to their own tank once they grow up.

Mon Jan 11, 2010, 06:12 AM
Thanks Illusn, Thats what I needed.

Tue Jan 12, 2010, 04:23 AM
Hi, cant find Myaxin anywhere. Know any online stores that may stock it.

Tue Jan 12, 2010, 07:34 AM

Tue Jan 12, 2010, 11:59 PM
Bingo. Thanks Illusn.